Agreement relating to the settlement of pending financial questions with regard the assets of the European Commission of the Danube

Filename: 1977-EuropeanDanubeCommissionPendingFinancialDistributions.EN.txt
Source: 1286 UNTS 60

Agreement relating to the settlement of pending financial questions with regard to the assets of the European Commission of the Danube

Source: 1286 UNTS 60

[TRANSLATION: Government of the United Kingdom.]

The Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania, of the one part, and the Governments of the French Republic, the Italian Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, acting jointly as members of the European Commission of the Danube having its Headquarters in Rome, of the other part,

Desiring to settle the financial problems still outstanding concerning the assets of the European Commission of the Danube which had its Headquarters in Galatz,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1. The European Commission of the Danube having its Headquarters in Rome undertakes to remit, from its own assets, after the measures provided for in article 2 (2) of this Agreement have been implemented, 50.856 kg (fifty kilograms eight hundred and fifty-six grams) of fine gold to the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania.

Article 2. (1) The Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania renounces, on its own behalf and that of the former Romanian employees of the European Commission of the Danube which had its Headquarters in Galatz, and of their assignees and successors (ayants droit), all claims against the European Commission of the Danube having its Headquarters in Rome and against the Governments of the French Republic, the Italian Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

(2) The Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania undertakes to take any necessary measures to make available to the member governments of the European Commission of the Danube having its Headquarters in Rome the assets held by the said Commission with the Bank for International Settlements, namely fourteen kilograms five hundred and sixteen grams (14.516 kg) of fine gold, with the Banque de France, namely twenty-three kilograms four hundred and nine grams and nine decigrams (23.4099 kg) of fine gold, and with Barclays Bank of London, namely British Treasury Bonds of a purchase value of eight thousand four hundred and seventy-five pounds sixty-eight pence (£8,475.68 sterling), together with the quantity of gold deposited in Italy in the name of the Direction du Danube maritime, namely one hundred and thirteen kilograms six hundred and fifty-four grams (113.654 kg) of fine gold, in respect of which assets the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania declares that it no longer has any claim to formulate against the Commission and the other Contracting Governments.

(3) These renunciations shall take effect as soon as the quantity of gold specified in article 1 has been remitted to the National Bank of the Socialist Republic of Romania.

Article 3. This Agreement shall come into force when the procedure for its approval has been completed in accordance with the laws of the signatory countries.

The instruments of approval shall be deposited with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Rome.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, having been duly empowered to this end by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.

DONE at Rome this twenty-third day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven in four copies in the French language, one for each Government of the signatory countries.

For the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania: EUGEN LUCHIAN

For the Government of the French Republic: DEJEAN DE LA BATIE

For the Government of the Italian Republic: ORAZIO ANTINORI

For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: ALAN CLOWES GOODISON