Exchange of Notes Between the United States and the Soviet Union Related to the Agreement On The Resolution Of Practical Problems With Respect To Deep Seabed Mining Areas

Filename: 1987-ExchangeNotesUnitedStatesSovietUnion-1987-PracticalProblemsDeepSeabedMiningAreas.EN.txt
Source: Unofficial

Exchange of Notes Between the United States and the Soviet Union Related to the Agreement On The Resolution Of Practical Problems With Respect To Deep Seabed Mining Areas Moscow

Source: Unofficial Text

MFA/107/87 -

The Embassy of the United States of America has the honor to refer the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the understanding reached among representatives of the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in New York on September 3, 1986.

In this connection, the Embassy has the honor to state on behalf of the Government of the United States of America, that, on the understanding that the Soviet side shall be bound by the provisions of the Agreement on the Resolution of Practical Problems with Respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas signed in New York on August 14, 1987 by representatives of Belgium, Canada, Italy, The Netherlands, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United States side also shall be bound by the provisions of that Agreement in the same manner as other Parties to that Agreement are bound by its provisions to the Soviet Party.

Nothing in the above-referenced Agreement, this Note, or the Note of the Ministry in reply, nor acts or activities taking place pursuant thereto, shall prejudice the position of either side with respect to the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea of 1982.

If it is acceptable to the Soviet side, this Note and the Note in reply from the Ministry shall constitute an Agreement between the two Governments which shall enter into force upon the date of the Note in reply from the Ministry, and which shall remain in force for the duration of the Agreement on the Resolution of Practical Problems with Respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas or until otherwise agreed by the two sides, whichever is the later.

Embassy of the United States of America,

Moscow, August 14, 1987.



LS NO. 123210



No. 95 dusa and Canada

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic confirms receipt of note No. MFA/107/87 of August 14, 1987, from the Embassy of the United States of America in Moscow, which reads as follows:

[The Russian text of note No. MFA/107/87 agrees in all substantive respects with the original English text.]

On behalf of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Ministry has the honor to state to the Embassy that the Soviet side is willing to regard the above-referenced Note of the Embassy and this reply thereto a an Agreement between the two Governments which shall enter into force upon the date of this Note of the Ministry, and which shall remain in force for the duration of the Agreement on the Resolution of Practical Problems with Respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas or until otherwise agreed by the two sides, whichever is the later.

/Seal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR/

Moscow, August 14, 1987


No. 75