Data entry notes: 
Balsiger Sample #: 2
Treaty Name and Text
Agreement Name: 
Agreement on cooperation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, of the one part, and the French Community of Belgium, the Wallonia Region and the Commission of the French Community of the Brussels Capital Region, of the other part
Signature/Entry into Force/Termination
Date IEA was signed: 
Signature Year: 
Place IEA was signed: 
Date IEA entered into force: 
Treaty Type
Membership eligibility (multilateral, bilateral, etc): 
Agreement Type Level 3: 
E (environment) Code (agreement is environmental or not): 
Source for E (environmental) code: 
Text used for E (environmental) coding: 
The Kingdom of the Netherlands, of the one part, and the French Community of Belgium, the Walloon Region and the French Community Committee of the Brussels-Capital Region, of the other part, hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties", based on the friendship and cooperation links between their peoples, Mutual trust and the importance they attach to the common values of freedom, democracy, justice and solidarity, driven by the desire to strengthen the ties that unite their peoples, taking into account the values of social progress and sustainable development; Cooperation and the development of synergies with regard to multilateral cooperation are important: Have agreed: [Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, enerzijds, en de Franse Gemeenschap van Belgi?, het Waalse Gewest en de Franse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, anderzijds, Hierna te noemen de ?Verdragsluitende Partijen", Zich baserend op de vriendschaps- en samenwerkingsbanden tussen hun volkeren, het wederzijds vertrouwen en het belang dat zij hechten aan de gemeenschappelijke waarden van vrijheid, democratie, rechtvaardigheid en solidariteit; Gedreven door de wens de banden die hun volkeren verenigen te versterken; Rekening houdend met de waarden van sociale vooruitgang en duurzame ontwikkeling; Overwegend dat bilaterale samenwerking en de ontwikkeling van synergie?n met betrekking tot multilaterale samenwerking belangrijk zijn; Zijn het volgende overeengekomen:]
Words used to code as Environmental: 
sustainable development
Not Yet Assigned
Secretariat and auspices
Hidden fields
Inclusion Auto-Generated: 
BEA - Bilateral Environmental Agreements