Amendment to the Agreement Establishing the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research

Filename: 8911-1999-Amendment-1992-interamericaninstituteglobalchangeresearchentxt



The thirteen accredited Parties present at the Sixth Meeting of the CoP unanimously approved the following Amendment related to Article XIII, Financial Provisions, Paragraph 1 of the Agreement Establishing the IAI.

Amendment to the Agreement Establishing the Inter-American Institute For Global Change Research

The Parties,

CONSIDERING the experience acquired during the years since the signing of the Agreement in Montevideo, Uruguay, on the 13th day of May 1992;

RECOGNIZING the difficulties resulting from the disposition/conditions in Section 1 of Article XIII of the Agreement that can result in significant percentage increases in the amount of voluntary contributions of the Parties for the budget of operational expenses for the Institute;

HAVE AGREED as follows:

The text of Section 1 of Article XIII shall be modified as follows:

"Article XIII

Financial Provisions

1. A Budget of operational expenses for the Institute, consisting of salaries for the Directorate and basic support for the Directorate, Scientific Advisory Committee, and Executive Council shall be supported, by the voluntary contributions pledged annually for a three-year period by the Parties in accordance with the interests of the Parties. Such pledges shall be increments of US$ 1,000. The minimum contribution shall be US$ 5,000. The adoption of the annual budget shall be by consensus of the Parties. The Parties recognized that regular contributions to the operational budget are essential to the success of the Institute and that such contribution shall take into account the research resources of the contributing Parties."

The present Amendment shall enter into force 60 days after the date on which 2/3 of the Parties, which are currently members of the Institute, have notified the Depository through appropriate diplomatic channels, that they have competed their corresponding domestic legal requirements.

After the date of approval of this Amendment any independent State of the Inter-American region that signs the Agreement shall do so in accordance with the terms of this Amendment.

The Director of the Institute shall notify the Depository immediately following the Conference of the Parties at which this Amendment is approved.

June 18, 1999