Amendment to the list in Annex I to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (adding Cyprus)

Filename: 2011-Amendment-1992-ClimateChange.EN.txt

 Amendment to Annex I to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (adding Cyprus)

Source:, downloaded 20120801

Decision 10/CP.17

The Conference of the Parties,

Recalling Articles 15 and 16 of the Convention,

Taking note of the proposal from Cyprus and the European Union to amend Annex I to the Convention by adding the name of Cyprus,

1. Decides to amend Annex I to the Convention by including the name of Cyprus;

2. Notes that in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 4, the entry into force of this amendment to Annex I to the Convention shall be subject to the same procedure as that for the entry into force of annexes to the Convention provided for in Article 16, paragraph 3, of the Convention;

3. Requests the secretariat to communicate to the Depositary the amendment to Annex I to the Convention, not before 1 July 2012, so that the amendment enters into force on 1 January 2013 or on a later date.