Agreement Concerning the Campaign Against Locusts

Filename: 1934-CampaignAgainstLocusts-SouthAmerica.EN.txt

Agreement concerning the Campaign against Locusts

Source:, downloaded 20120108

Opened for signature at Montevideo, December 13, 1934

EDITOR'S NOTE [From editor of original source document, NOT the International Environmental Agreements Database Editor.]. This agreement is designed to supplement the convention on agricultural defense (exploration of the places of origin of the locust) which was signed at Montevideo, May 10, 1913. The conclusion of such an agreement was proposed by a resolution of the Seventh Conference of American States (1933). Some of the signatories of this agreement are parties to the convention on the organization of the fight against locusts, of October 31, 1920. See also the agreement creating the International Bureau of Intelligence on Locusts, of May 20, 1926; and the Proceedings of the Third International Locust Conference (1934), British Parliamentary Papers, Cmd 4735 (1934). RATIFICATIONS. (Complete information is not available to the editor.) Text supplied by the Commision Central de Investigaciones sobre Langosta.

Opened for signature at Montevideo, December 13, 1934

[Translation supplied by the United States Department of State.]

Their Excellencies the Presidents of the Argentine Republic, the Republic of the United States of Brazil, the Republic of El Salvador, the Republic of Guatemala, the Republic of the United States of Mexico, the Republic of Nicaragua, the Republic of Paraguay, and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, animated by the desire of contributing to the intensification of the fight against the locust, have resolved to conclude an inter-American Agreement, complementary to the Agricultural Defense Convention of 1913 and with this object have appointed their Plenipotentiaries as follows:

The President of the Argentine Republic: Messrs. Juan B. Marchionatto and Carlos A. Lizer y Trelles;

The President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil: Lucillo Bueno, and Senor Josfe Bernardino da Camara Canto, Commercial Delegate of Brazil;

The President of the Republic of Salvador: Senor Julio C. Rosello;

The President of the Republic of Guatemala: Senor Enrique M. Martin;

The President of the Republic of the United States of Mexico: Senor Don Basilio Vadtllo,

His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary before the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay;

The President of the Republic of Nicaragua; Senor Enrique M. Martin;

The President of the Republic of Paraguay; Senor Guillenno Tell Bertoni;

and the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Senor; Messrs* Gustavo L Fischer, Col. Ordsman Vazquez Ledesma, Agustin Trujillo Peluffo, Jaime Maimo Sarrasin, Aristides Alvos da Silva, Alfredo L. Weiss, and Dr. Franz Fielitas,

Who after having exhibited their Full Powers, which were found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following:

Art. 1. The contracting Governments to establish, within their respective countries, the necessary technical services to study the locust problem,

Art. 2. These services shall comprise at least:

(a) The creation of an institute or department exclusively devoted to conducting permanent research work relative to locusts;

(b) The installation of an information circuit to determine the movement of the swarms;

(c) The obligation to combat the spring and summer invasions of locusts, employing the most efficient methods,

Art. 3. It is hereby considered indispensable to conduct a continued research work on locusts through scientific explorations which shall be carried out uninterruptedly during a cycle of the complete evolution of the insect, for which the results so far obtained will be used as a basis,

Art. 4. The plan of the research, especially in northern Argentina and neighboring countries, referred to in Article 3, shall be proposed by the Argentina authorities and submitted to the consideration of the Governments signatories of this agreement.

The principal object of the research work to be carried out shall be to determine the areas in which the locust is to be found during the autumn and winter months and to apply in those areas the most feasible and efficient methods of extermination during such seasons.

Art. 5. With a view to unifying and directing the Pan American studies on the locust, the creation of a Permanent Pan American Committee of technical experts for anti- locust research Is recommended; the Committee to have its headquarters in Buenos Aires and to be eventually composed of representatives from the contracting countries,

Art. 6. In order to fulfill its functions better, the Committee referred to in Article 5 shall communicate directly with the institutions or technical officers of the contracting countries,

Art. 7. Every year there shall be held, in the city designated by the Permanent Committee, an international meeting of the interested countries at which reports shall be made as to research work accomplished and results obtained, and the plan of work for the coming year shall be formulated.

Art. 8 The research work carried out in each contracting country and a brief report of the anti-locust campaigns in other nations of the world shall be published in an official publication.

Art. 9. The expenses required in conducting the Permanent Committee, research work and publications shall be defrayed by contributions from the contracting countries in the manner and proportion which each country may deem convenient to its interests. This shall be proposed at the first animal international meeting referred to in Article 7.

Art. 10. Pending the creation of the Permanent Committee, the Argentine Government undertakes to facilitate the carrying out of the provisions of this agreement through the Central Locust Research Committee now functioning in Buenos Aires, which Committee shall collect information and maintain an interchange of all data concerning the locust problem among the technical offices of the adhering countries.

Art. 11. The present agreement is open for signature to other countries of America which have not to it and which are willing to accept the terms of the agreement.

Notification of accession to this shall be made to the Government of the Argentine Republic through diplomatic channels - which Government will in turn notify the other signatory countries.

Art. 13. The present agreement be ratified and the ratifications be deposited with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic in Buenos Aires within the shortest time possible.

It shall enter into force as soon as promulgated in accordance with the legislation of the contracting countries.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present agreement and affixed their seals thereto.

Done in Montevideo, the thirteenth day of December, nineteen hundred and thirty-four, in a single copy, which shall be deposited in the Archives of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic Uruguay and of which true copies will be furnished to the signatory countries.



Brazil: The President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil: Lucillo Bueno, and Senor Josfe Bernardino da Camara Canto, Commercial Delegate of Brazil;

El Salvador: JULIO C. ROSSELLO, ad referendum;

Guatemala: The President of the Republic of Guatemala: Senor Enrique M. Martin;

Mexico: The President of the Republic of the United States of Mexico: Senor Don Basilio Vadillo,

Nicaragua: ENRIQUE M. MARIN;

Paraguay: G. T. BERTONI;

Uruguay: His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary before the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay; and the President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay; Messrs* Gustavo L Fischer, Col. Ordsman Vazquez Ledesma, Agustin Trujillo Peluffo, Jaime Maimo Sarrasin, Aristides Alvos da Silva, Alfredo L. Weiss, and Dr. Franz Fielitas,