Amendment 1 to the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control

Filename: 2003-Amendment-2000-BlackSeaMemorandumUnderstandingPortStateControl.EN.txt

Amendment 1 to the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control

Source:, downloaded 20090910

The Working Group on PSC Manual conveyed during the fourth Committee meeting and submitted proposal on the improvement of the BS MOU PSC Manual which was adopted by the Committee. In accordance with the decision of the Committee Leader (Romania) of the WG on PSC Manual; incorporated adopted amendments into the BS MOU PSC Manual, inserted Paris MOU PSC Manual's "Guidelines for PSCO on STCW 95 Convention, ISM Code, inspection on working and living condition", to the BS MOU PSC Manual, replaced the Codes, by the Codes from the Russian Federation submission, adopted by the Committee and provided revised final version of the BS MOU PSC Manual to the Secretariat for publication and distribution to the maritime Authorities for implementation on a trial basis.

Revised final version of the Manual editorially improved by the Secretariat, taking into account also suggested recommendations made at the first PSCO Seminar, published and circulated to the member Authorities, and to the members of the WG on Manual.