Protocol of Signature of the Convention Relating To The Development Of Hydraulic Power Affecting More Than One State

Filename: 1923-Protocol-1923-DevelopmentHydraulicPower.EN.txt
Source: LNTS, vol. 36, pp. 77.

Protocol Of Signature Of The Convention Relating To The Development Of Hydraulic Power Affecting More Than One State

Source: LNTS, vol. 36, pp. 77.

At the moment of signing the Convention of today's date relating to the development of hydraulic power affecting more than one State, the undersigned, duly authorised, have agreed as follows:

The provisions of the Convention do not in any way modify the responsibility or obligations imposed on States, as regards injury done by the construction of works for development of hydraulic power, by the rules of international law.

The present Protocol will have the same force, effect and duration as the Convention of today's date, of which it is to be considered as an integral part.

In faith whereof the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Protocol.

DONE at Geneva, the ninth day of December one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, in a single copy, which will remain deposited in the archives of the Secretariat of the League of Nations ; certified copies will be transmitted to all the States represented at the Conference.

[Here follow the same signatures as those appearing at the end of the Convention.]