Exchange Of Notes Constituting An Agreement Between The Federative Republic Of Brazil And Trinidad And Tobago Concerning Shrimp

Filename: 1972-Brazil-TrinidadTobagoShrimp.PR.txt
Source: UNTS 12961, 4

Exchange Of Notes Constituting An Agreement Between The Government Of The Federative Republic Of Brazil And The Government Of Trinidad And Tobago Concerning Shrimp

Source: UNTS 12961, 4




1/29 19th May 1972 Excellency,

I have the honour to refer to recent conversations in which representatives of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil having considered, in a spirit of mutual understanding, the situation relating to shrimping in the waters adjacent to the coast of Brazil, and motivated by the friendly relations existing between the two Governments and peoples have agreed to the following:

1) Nothing contained in this Agreement, the text of which appears hereunder, would necessarily constitute a precedent.

2) This Agreement shall govern the operation of shrimp catch by Trinidad and Tobago flag vessels in the waters adjacent to the coast of Brazil during the period from May 1st, 1972, to November 30, 1973.

3) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prejudice, in any way, the le-gal position of either Government in regard to the limits of territorial seas and fisheries jurisdiction.

4) The species to be fished are the following: Penaeus (M.) duorarum notialis, Penaeus brasiliensis and Penaeus (M.) aztecas subtilis. The simultaneous and inevitable catch of other marine species in quantities and conditions which characterize them as incident fauna of the shrimp species authorized under the Agreement shall not be considered as a violation of the Agreement. The shrimping activities shall be conducted exclusively within a zone having the isobath of thirty (30) meters as the southwest limit and the latitude 1° north as the southern limit and 47°30' west longitude as the eastern limit. Shrimp fishing, however, in the part of the above-mentioned zone which lies southeast of a bearing of 240° drawn from the Ponta do Ceu radio-beacon shall be limited to the period March 1st to July 1st.

5) Twenty shrimp trawlers flying the Trinidad and Tobago flag shall be admitted to catch shrimp in the zone described in article 4 of this Agreement. These trawlers shall not exceed eighty-five feet in length, except for two trawlers that shall not exceed ninety feet, and shall not employ electric equipment for fishing purposes.

6) The season during which the shrimping activities referred to in this Agreement are to be conducted shall be between March 1st and November 30th of each year.

7) The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will furnish the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, through the diplomatic channel, with a list of the vessels to be covered by this Agreement as well as with the basic data relating to these vessels. Such data shall include the name, length, radio-frequency, maximum speed, gross and net ton-nage of each vessel, a description of its navigation and fishing gear and its communication equipment and the identification sign to be used. In addition, the port of registry, the name of the vessel's captain, the name and legal address of its registered office in Trinidad and Tobago shall also be provided.

8) To complete the registration procedure, the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil will inform the Government of Trinidad and Tobago of the vessels authorized to fish under the terms of this Agreement.

9) Before the beginning of the shrimping activities of the authorized vessels, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago shall:

a) produce to the Brazilian Embassy in Port of Spain the documents of the vessel (registry certification, crew list, up-to-date seaworthiness certificates, insurance certificate);

b) hand in photographs of the vessel and an indication of its methods and gear;

c) pay for each vessel a fee of US$ 100.00 (one hundred dollars) for each month of opera-lion in the 1972 season, this fee being calculated from a date one month following the date of authorization of the vessel to November 30th, 1972, and pay a fee of US$ 900.00 (nine hundred dollars) for the 1973 season.

10) Each of the authorized vessels shall display an identification sign, agreed between the Parties, and shall carry the appropriate documents of identification, to be produced, on demand, to the Brazilian authorities.

11) While conducting fishing activities according to the provisions of this Agreement, the captains of the trawlers shall:

a) proceed directly to the authorized fishing zone defined in article 4;

b) fill out fishing logs furnished by the Brazilian Embassy in Port of Spain and return them to the Embassy within 14 days of their return to Port of Spain;

c) be familiar with and respect Brazilian laws and regulations, particularly those regarding fishing and prevention of sea pollution;

d) land the catch in Trinidad and Tobago, trans-shipment being permitted only between vessels registered under this Agreement.

12) The Government of Trinidad and Tobago will supply the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil periodically with statistical data relating to the size and species of the catches captured by Trinidad and Tobago vessels in the waters adjacent to the coast of Brazil.

13) a) While in Brazilian territorial waters, the Trinidad and Tobago shrimp trawlers shall be subject to Brazilian surveillance. Duly appointed officials may board the trawlers for inspection.

b) The Brazilian Embassy in Port of Spain shall be informed of the estimated dates of arrival at the fishing zones and of the dates of departure from and return to ports of Trinidad and Tobago.

14) Infringements of Brazilian law occurring in Brazilian territorial waters shall be dealt with according to Brazilian law.

15) Problems concerning the interpretation and implementation of the present Agreement shall be solved through diplomatic channels.

16) At the request of either Party, both Parties shall, within one month, conduct consultations for a review of the operation of this Agreement or of its provisions.

I have the honour to propose that if the above terms are acceptable to the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the present note together with Your Excellency's note in reply indicating your Government's concurrence therewith shall constitute an agreement between the two Governments, to come into force on the date of Your Excellency's note in reply.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Ambassador His Excellency Dr. Mario Gibson Barboza

Minister of External Affairs




Em 19 de maio de 1972

DPB/DAUDAC/03/562.8(61 h)

Senhor Embaixador,

Tenho a honra de acusar recebimento da nota de Vossa Excelência, datada de hoje, cujo teor, em portugués, é o seguinte:

«Exceléncia, Tenho a honra de referir-me As recentes conversaçôes nas quais representantes do Governo da República Federativa do Brasil e do Governo de Trinidad e Tobago examinaram, num espirito de mútuo entendimento, a situaçáo relativa à pesca de camaráo nas águas adjacentes à costa do Brasil e, motivados pelas relaçôes amistosas que existem entre os dois Governos e poyos, convieram no seguinte:

1) Nada do que se contém no presente Acordo, cujo texto se segue, constituirá necessariamente urn precedente.

2) 0 presente Acordo regulará as operaçôes de pesca de camaráo por embarcaçôes corn bandeira de Trinidad e Tobago, nas águas adjacentes à costa do Brasil, no período de 1.° de maio de 1972 a 30 de novembro de 1973.

3) Nenhuma disposiçáo do presente Acordo será considerada como prejudicial, de qualquer forma, à posiçáo jurídica de cada Governo corn relaçáo aos limites do mar territorial e da jurisdiçáo sobre pesca.

4) As espécies a serem pescadas são as seguintes: Penaeus (M.) duorarum notialis, Penaeus brasiliensis e Penaeus (M.) astecus subtilis. A captura simultánea e inevitável de outras espécies marinhas, em quantidades e condiçôes que as caracterizem como fauna acompanhante das espécies de camaráo autorizadas nos termos do presente Acordo, não será considerada como urna violação do Acordo. As atividades de pesca de camaráo serão efetuadas exclusivamente numa zona que tenha a isobatimétrica de 30 metros corno limite sudoeste, a latitude de 1° norte como limite meridional e a longitude oeste de 47°30' como limite oriental. Contudo, a pesca de camaráo na parte de zona acima mencionada, que fica a sudeste da linha de marcação verdadeira de 240° tomada do rádio-farol Ponta do Céu, será limitada ao período entre 1.° de março e 1.° de julho.

5) Vinte embarcaçôes de pesca de camaráo corn bandeira de Trinidad e Tobago teráo permissáo para capturar camaráo na zona descrita no Artigo 4 do presente Acordo. Estas embarcaçôes de pesca não excederáo, em comprimento, de oitenta e cinco pés, corn exceção de duas, que não excederão de noventa pés, e não empregarão equipamento elétrico para fins de pesca.

6) A estação em que as atividades de pesca de camaráo mencionadas no presente Acordo serão realizadas estender-se-á de 1.° de mareo a 30 de novembro de cada ano.

7) 0 Governo de Trinidad e Tobago fornecerá ao Governo da República Federativa do Brasil, por via diplomática, urna lista das embarcaçôes a serem cobertas pelo presente Acordo, bem como as informaçôes básicas sobre tais embarcaçôes. Tais informações incluirão nome, comprimento, rádio-freqüência, velocidade máxima, tonelagem bruta e líquida de cada embarcaçâo descrição dos equipamentos de pesca e navegação do equipamento de comunicação e o sinal de identificação a ser usado.


2. Em resposta, informo Vossa Excelência de que o Governo brasileiro concorda com os termos da nota acima transcrita, a quai, juntamente corn a pre-sente, passa a constituir urn Acordo entre nossos dois Governos, a entrar em vigor nesta data.

Aproveito a oportunidade para renovar a Vossa Excelência os protestos da minha mais alta consideração


A Sua Excelência o Senhor Albert Gérard Montano

Embaixador Extraordinário e Plenipotenciário de Trinidad e Tobago