Committee For Inland Fisheries Of Africa

Filename: 1971-CommitteeInlandFisheriesAfrica.EN.txt

Establishment Of The Committee For Inland Fisheries Of Africa

Source: Unofficial


RECOGNIZING the demonstrated importance of inland fisheries to Africa and the urgent need for Consolidation of efforts in the further development of these fisheries;

NOTING that the need for the establishment of an inland fishery body for Africa was stressed in particular by the Fifth Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries, the Sixth FAO Regional Conference for Africa and the Fifteenth Session of the FAO Conference;

TAKING ACCOUNT of the conclusions reached by African Member Nations at the Ad hoc Consultation on the Proposed Establishment of an Inland Fishery Body for Africa, held in Rome on 13 and 14 April 1971, and the recommendations of the Sixth Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries;

AUTHORIZES the Director-General to establish, under Article VI, paragraph 2 of the constitution, a Committee to be known as the "Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa", and to promulgate Statutes for the Committee based on the draft Statutes contained in Appendix F to document CL 56/4.

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