Amendments To The Agreement For The Establishment Of A Regional Animal Production And Health Commission For Asia And The Pacific (Title, Article I and V)

Filename: 1986-Amendment-1973-EstablishmentRegionalAnimalProductionHealthCommissionAsiaPacific.EN.txt

Amendments To The Agreement For The Establishment Of A Regional Animal Production And Health Commission For Asia, The Far East And The South-West Pacific Of 22 June 1973 (Approved by Resolution 3/90 at the 90th Session of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization)

Source:, downloaded 20070610, UNTS 1458 p. 360

The Amendments read as follows: [Words deleted are in square brackets.]

Title of the Agreement

Agreement for the Establishment of a Regional Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia [, the Far East] and the [South-West] Pacific

Article I

Establishment of the Commission

The Contracting Parties, realizing the need to coordinate their policies, plans and programs in livestock production, and disease control and eradication, and desiring to provide the machinery for the exchange of information and experience, hereby establish, within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization"), a Commission to be known as the "Regional Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia [, the Far East] and the [South-West] Pacific (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission").

Article V

Seat of the Commission

1. The Seat of the Commission shall be the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the [Far East] Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.