Amendments To Annex III to The Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries

Filename: 1979-Amendments-1978-NorthwestAtlanticFisheries.EN.txt

Amendments To Annex III to The Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries

Source:, downloaded 20070630. (Resolution 4 Concerning Modification of the Western Boundary of Subarea 1 of the Convention Area (amends Annex III of the Convention))

The General Council

Noting the resolution of the Scientific Council of March 1979 concerning the proposed amendment;

Noting that the external limits of the Canadian and Danish fishing zones, respectively, in the area between Canada and Greenland up to 75º North latitude coincide;

Noting that the western boundary of NAFO Subarea 1 approximates to, but does not follow, the coinciding limits in the area;

Noting that the difference between the western boundary of NAFO Subarea 1 and the coinciding limits creates difficulties for the coastal states concerned in the assignment of catches to their respective areas of jurisdiction; and

Acting pursuant to Article XX, paragraph 2 of the Convention, hereby decides that the western boundary of Subarea 1 be modified effective 1 January 1980 to conform to the coinciding limits in the area by amending Annex III to the Convention so that the description of Subarea 0 contained in paragraph 1 (a) and the description of Subarea 1in paragraph 2 (a) of the Annex read as follows:

1 (a) Subarea 0

That portion of the Convention Area bounded on the south by a line extending due east from a point at 61*00' north latitude and 65*00' west longitude to a point at 61*00' north latitude and 59*00' west longitude, thence in a southeasterly direction along a rhumb line to a point at 60*12' north latitude and 57*13' west longitude; thence bounded on the east by a series of geodisic lines joining the following points:

Point No. // Latitude // Longitude

Point No. // Latitude // Longitude

1 // 60*12'0 // 57*13'0

2 // 61*00'0 // 57*13'1

3 // 62*00'5 // 57*21'1

4 // 62*02'3 // 57*21'8

5 // 62*03'5 // 57*22'2

6 // 62*11'5 // 57*25'4

7 // 62*47'2 // 57*41'0

8 // 63*22'8 // 57*57'4

9 // 63*28'6 // 57*59'7

10 // 63*35'0 // 58*02'0

11 // 63*37'2 // 58*01'2

12 // 63*44'1 // 57*58'8

13 // 63*50'1 // 57*57'2

14 // 63*52'6 // 57*56'6

15 // 63*57'4 // 57*53'5

16 // 64*04'3 // 57*49'1

17 // 64*12'2 // 57*48'2

18 // 65*06'0 // 57*44'1

19 // 65*08'9 // 57*43'9

20 // 65*11'6 // 57*44'4

21 // 65*14'5 // 57*45'1

22 // 65*18'1 // 57*45'8

23 // 65*23'3 // 57*44'9

24 // 65*34'8 // 57*42'3

25 // 65*37'7 // 57*41'9

26 // 65*50'9 // 57*40'7

27 // 65*51'7 // 57*40'6

28 // 65*57'6 // 57*40'1

29 // 66*03'5 // 57*39'6

30 // 66*12'9 // 57*38'2

31 // 66*18'8 // 57*37'8

32 // 66*24'6 // 57*37'8

33 // 66*30'3 // 57*38'3

34 // 66*36'1 // 57*39'2

35 // 66*37'9 // 57*39'6

36 // 66*41'8 // 57*40'6

37 // 66*49'5 // 57*43'0

38 // 67*21'6 // 57*52'7

39 // 67*27'3 // 57*54'9

40 // 67*28'3 // 57*55'3

41 // 67*29'1 // 57*56'1

42 // 67*30'7 // 57*57'8

43 // 67*35'3 // 58*02'2

44 // 67*39'7 // 58*06'2

45 // 67*44'2 // 58*09'9

46 // 67*56'9 // 58*19'8

47 // 68*01'8 // 58*23'3

48 // 68*04'3 // 58*25'0

49 // 68*06'8 // 58*26'7

50 // 68*07'5 // 58*27'2

51 // 68*16'1 // 58*34'1

52 // 68*21'7 // 58*39'0

53 // 68*25'3 // 58*42'4

54 // 68*32'9 // 59*01'8

55 // 68*34'0 // 59*04'6

56 // 68*37'9 // 59*14'3

57 // 68*38'0 // 59*14'6

58 // 68*56'8 // 60*02'4

59 // 69*00'8 // 60*09'0

60 // 69*06'8 // 60*18'5

61 // 69*10'3 // 60*23'8

62 // 69*12'8 // 60*27'5

63 // 69*29'4 // 60*51'6

64 // 69*49'8 // 60*58'2

65 // 65*55'3 // 60*59'6

66 // 69*55'8 // 61*00'0

67 // 70*01'6 // 61*04'2

68 // 70*07'5 // 61*08'1

69 // 70*08'8 // 61*08'8

70 // 70*13'4 // 61*10'6

71 // 70*33'1 // 61*17'4

72 // 70*35'6 // 61*20'6

73 // 70*48'2 // 61*37'9

74 // 70*51'8 // 61*42'7

75 // 71*12'1 // 62*09'1

76 // 71*18'9 // 62*17'5

77 // 71*25'9 // 62*25'5

78 // 71*29'4 // 62*29'3

79 // 71*31'8 // 62*32'0

80 // 71*32'9 // 62*33'5

81 // 71*44'7 // 62*49'6

82 // 71*47'3 // 62*53'1

83 // 71*52'9 // 63*03'9

84 // 72*01'7 // 63*21'1

85 // 72*06'4 // 63*30'9

86 // 72*11'0 // 63*41'0

87 // 72*24'8 // 64*13'2

88 // 72*30'5 // 64*26'1

89 // 72*36'3 // 64*38'8

90 // 72*43'7 // 64*54'3

91 // 72*45'7 // 64*58'4

92 // 72*47'7 // 65*00'9

93 // 72*50'8 // 65*07'6

94 // 73*18'5 // 66*08'3

95 // 73*25'9 // 66*25'3

96 // 73*31'1 // 67*15'1

97 // 73*36'5 // 68*05'5

98 // 73*37'9 // 68*12'3

99 // 73*41'7 // 68*29'4

100 // 73*46'1 // 68*48'5

101 // 73*46'7 // 68*51'1

102 // 73*52'3 // 69*11'3

103 // 73*57'6 // 69*31'5

104 // 74*02'2 // 69*50'3

105 // 74*02 6 // 69*52 0

106 // 74*06'1 // 70*06'6

107 // 74*07'5 // 70*12'5

108 // 74*10'0 // 70*23'1

109 // 74*12'5 // 70*33'7

110 // 74*24'0 // 71*25'7

111 // 74*28'6 // 71*45'8

112 // 74*44'2 // 72*53'0

113 // 74*50'6 // 73*02'8

114 // 75*00'0 // 73*16'3

115 // 75*05' // 73*30'

and thence due north to the parallel of 78*10' north latitude; and bounded on the west by a line beginning at 61*00' north latitude and 65*00' west longitude and extending in a northwesterly direction along a rhumb line to the coast of Baf?n Island at East Bluff (61*55' north latitude and 66*20' west longitude), and thence in a northerly direction along the coast of Baffin Island, Bylot Island, Devon Island and Ellesmere Island and following the meridian of 80* west longitude in the waters between those islands to 78*10' north latitude; and bounded on the north by the parallel of 78*10' north latitude.

2 (a) Subarea 1

That portion of the Convention Area lying to the east of Subarea 0 and to the north and east of a rhumb line joining a point at 60*12' north latitude and 57*13' west longitude with a point at 52*15' north latitude and 42*00' west longitude.