Statute Of The Yugoslav-Albanian Water Economy Commission

Filename: 1956-StatuteCommission-1956-YugoslaviaAlbaniaWaterEconomy.EN.txt

Annex I Of The Agreement Between The Government Of The Federal People's Republic Of Yugoslavia And The Government Of The People's Republic Of Albania Concerning Water Economy Questions, Together With The Statute Of The Yugoslav-Albanian Water Economic Commission And With The Protocol Concerning Fishing In Frontier Lakes And Rivers

Source: Unofficial

Article I

The functions and terms of reference of the Commission shall comprise all matters placed within its competence by the Agreement between the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the People's Republic of Albania concerning water economy questions.

Under its terms of reference, it shall be the Commission's task, in particular:

1. To submit proposals concerning measures and works of interest to the Contracting Parties and their study from the technical and economic standpoints and, in particular, concerning the utilization of the water power of Lake Ohrid, the Crni Drim and the Beli Drim and the question of Lake Skadar and the Bojana;

2. To submit proposals for the investigation of problems in situ, the organization of topographical surveys, studies and research operations, and the preparation of projects;

3. To make a technical evaluation of projects submitted and to submit to the Governments of the Contracting Parties proposals for the execution of joint works or works of joint interest;

4. To examine and submit proposals concerning the execution of joint water economy works, structures and installations, the conditions for and method of executing the same, and the apportionment of expenses; to organize control over the completion and acceptance of jointly executed works;

5. To submit proposals concerning the issue of joint technical provisions and of provisions for protection and control, and concerning the application of biological measures relating to fishing;

6. To ensure compliance with decisions; to organize technical supervision of measures and works in progress which are of joint interest;

7. To study questions relating to joint protection against flooding and means of averting other

dangers, and to draft joint regulations on the subject;

8. To submit proposals for the exchange of practical experience in the matter of water economy, for

the exchange of hydrological and hydro-meteorological data, and for the operation of the information service established to transmit particulars of the water level and so forth;

9. To ensure co-operation between the water economy authorities of both sides in the territory of the two Contracting Parties in the interest of maintaining a common policy in water economy relations in the spirit of the provisions of the Agreement concerning water economy questions concluded between the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the People's Republic of Albania;

10. To submit proposals for the management and operation of installations of joint interest.

Article 2

The Governments of the Contracting Parties reserve the right to deal directly with questions within the competence of the Commission.

Article 3

The Commission shall consist of twelve (12) members. Each Contracting Party shall appoint six (6) members of the Commission; each member may have an alternate. The Contracting Parties may likewise designate experts to take part in the Commission's work, in numbers to be determined in each individual case by agreement between the two Chairmen. Each Contracting Party shall appoint one member of the Commission as Chairman of its delegation. The Commission may if necessary set up sub-commissions composed of its members, their alternates and experts.

Article 4

The Commission shall meet in regular session once a year. In addition the Chairmen of the delegations may convene special sessions by agreement. Regular sessions shall be held alternately in the territory of each Contracting Party. Each session shall be convened by the Chairman of the delegation of the Contracting Party in whose territory the commission meets, in agreement with the Chairman of the delegation of the other Contracting Party.

Article 5

The Contracting Parties shall propose agenda items through the Chairmen of their respective delegations.

The final agenda shall be confirmed by agreement between the Chairmen of the delegations or through the diplomatic channel.

Article 6

While the Commission is in session, the Chairmen of the delegations shall preside alternately.

The official languages of the Commission shall be Serbo-Croat and Albanian.

In addition the Commission may decide to examine individual questions in another language.

Article 7

The Commission shall reach its conclusions by agreement between the Chairmen of the two delegations.

If the Chairmen of the delegations fail to arrive at an agreed conclusion, the delegations shall submit the question in dispute to their Governments for settlement.

A protocol of each meeting shall be drawn up in two copies, each in both the official languages. The protocol shall be signed by both Chairmen. The delegations shall submit the protocol to their respective Governments for approval.

Article 8

No conclusions of the Commission may be put into effect if either Government raises an objection. If no objection to the conclusions is raised by either Government within forty-five (45) days after the date of signature of the protocol, the conclusions shall be regarded as approved by both Governments.

Article 9

Each Contracting Party shall defray the expenses of its own delegation. Other expenses connected with the Commission's work shall, unless otherwise decided, be borne equally by the two Contracting Parties.

Article 10

The Commission shall prescribe its own rules of procedure on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the People's Republic of Albania concerning water economy questions and of this Statute.