Agreement Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere

Filename: 1976-MonitoringStratosphere.EN.txt
Source: Treaties and Other International Acts Series 8255.

Agreement Between The Government Of The United States Of America, The Government Of The Republic Of France And The Government Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland Regarding Monitoring Of The Stratosphere

Source: Treaties and Other International Acts Series 8255.

The Government of the United States of America, the Government of the Republic of France and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

Conscious of concern over the potential impact of man's activities on the earth's stratosphere,

Recognising that the accurate assessment and prediction of such impacts will require a better understanding of the upper atmosphere,

Aware that it is necessary to expedite the long-term effort required to understand the impact of potential stratospheric modifiers, such as aviation and chemical substances,

Believing that an improved capacity to measure and monitor stratospheric species, including ozone, is essential to this understanding,

Bearing in mind the diversity of national and international activities already being carried out to assess concentrations of stratospheric species and their significance as well as the new international programmes being considered by the World Meteorological Organisation (hereinafter referred to as the'WMO") and the United Nations Environment Programme (hereinafter referred to as the "UNEP"), and

Desiring to foster an acceleration of the worldwide effort to understand better the behaviour of the stratosphere, and the ozone layer in particular, and to demonstrate the feasibility and utility of collaborative international action in this regard,

Have agreed as follows:


The three Governments agree to pursue, as the broad objective of this Agreement, measures designed to increase the understanding of the stratosphere, and in particular to cooperate towards the establishment of a strengthened global stratospheric ozone monitoring capability.


The three Governments shall seek ways to improve the collection and accelerate the processing, exchange and analysis of stratospheric ozone data, working both individually and in collaboration. Among the steps to be studied are:

1. continuing and expanding data collection from ground stations and from instruments on satellites, balloons, rockets and high altitude aircraft, including Concorde;

2. exchanging and interpreting data acquired by various methods, and undertaking intercomparison studies to identify possibilities for improving the techniques used both for data acquisition and analysis;

3. initiating an analysis of the suitability of the design, operation and overall integration of existing and planned ozone monitoring systems for the detection of long-term trends and fluctuations in hemispheric and global ozone levels, and recommending appropriate modifications of these systems. The analysis should take into account related work underway or planned by international organisations and other governments.


The three Governments agree to increase the exchange of information concerning stratospheric research and analysis programmes and projects underway or planned in the three countries, and to pursue opportunities for expanded coordination and collaboration. Particular attention shall be paid in the United States to, inter alia, the High Altitude Pollution Program of the Federal Aviation Administration and relevant work of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency; in France to the activities of the Comité sur les conséquences des vols stratosphériques as well as those of the Délégation Générale á la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Committee on Coordinated Action in regard to the stratosphere; and in the United Kingdom to relevant research of the Department of the Environment.


The three Governments agree

-to continue cooperative research activities already

underway or being designed to further the understanding

of the composition and behaviour of the stratosphere;

-to facilitate the exchange of data for study by

scientists in the three countries, and

-to examine the practicality and utility of initiating additional cooperative research.

Particular consideration shall be given

-to the measurement of other important natural and

climatic impacts of ozone changes to facilitate the development of appropriate standards and, in turn, the establishment of regulatory measures, if deemed necessary.


The three Governments agree to encourage the International Civil Aviation Organisation to undertake an evaluation of the scientific basis, future need and feasibility of developing international standards for stratospheric pollution caused by civil aviation and to make appropriate recommendations as necessary.

The three Governments also agree to encourage other appropriate international organisations to undertake similar efforts with respect to other potential sources of stratospheric pollution.


For purposes of reviewing progress made in the implementation of activities initiated or continued in accordance with this Agreement, and to carry out further planning of cooperative studies, research and related activities, the three Governments shall arrange for periodic consultations which may include, inter alia, meetings of policy planners or technical experts.


Reports of progress made and data obtained under this Agreement shall be exchanged each six months by the three Governments.

In place of such reports at the end of one year following signature of this Agreement, the three Governments shall prepare a joint report describing accomplishments achieved under this Agreement.


Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prejudice other existing or future arrangements for cooperation among the three Governments or their respective agencies.


Activities under this Agreement shall be subject to budgetary appropriations and to the applicable laws and regulations of each country.


Two years after signature of this Agreement, the three Governments shall review the Agreement and the actions taken under it and shall make any necessary modifications to it.


1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the three Governments and remain in force for five years thereafter.

However, any Government may at any time give notice to the other Governments of its intention to withdraw from this Agreement, in which case the Agreement shall terminate six months after such notice has been given.

2. This Agreement may be extended by agreement of the three Governments for a further specified period.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement.

Done in triplicate at Paris this 5 day of May 1976

in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of the United States of America Kenneth Rush For the Government of the Republic of France G. de Courcel For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland C.M. James [Seal] [Seal] [Seal]