Action 4626

Membership Information for: Amendments To The Plant Protection Agreement For The Asia And Pacific Region (bringing agreement in line with revised International Plant Protection Convention and Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and to strengthen the Commission)

Signed: 1999-11-11; Entered into force: 2899-01-01; Terminated:
Source for membership data:
Date of last download from source: 2022-11-05
This is the IEADB's most current data on signature, ratification, entry into force, and other membership actions. The IEADB updates this data approximately once a year and tries to ensure it is current and accurate. For the most current data, visit the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission website. For inaccuracies, please notify the Project Director.
Agreement Action Country Year Month Day Edit link
Signature Agreement 1999 11 11
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar Australia 2011 8 12
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar Korea, Republic of 2013 9 10
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar Laos 2006 12 6
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar New Zealand 2017 8 31
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar Philippines 2005 4 11
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar Timor-Leste 2012 4 20
Ratification, Accession, Succession, or Similar Viet Nam 2006 8 31

Membership status is coded as follows:

  • Countries listed are those that have signed and/or ratified the IEA in question.
  • Legend:
    • 0 (pink): Signer: country signed but did not ratify IEA. Status is 0 for all countries until IEA enters into force.
    • 1 (yellow): Ratifier: country signed and ratified IEA but IEA had not entered into force. Status is 1 for countries that have ratified until IEA enters into force.
    • 2 (green):Member: country signed and ratified IEA and IEA has entered into force for that country.
    • Ratifier row is count of states that have ratified.
    • Membership row is count (not sum) of members.
  • If membership data source lacks entry into force date, membership is inferred from year of ratification, if that year occurs after entry into force year of IEA.
  • Status can return to 0 if an IEA is terminated or if a country withdraws. In rare cases, countries later re-join IEAs, with their status returning to 2.
  • Action tab: membership by Action, Country, Year, Month, Day.
  • Wide tab: Annual status data (countries as rows, years as columns).
  • Long tab: Annual status data in Stata format (Country, Year, Membership Status).