All codes assigned to: International Agreement For The Creation Of An International Office For Dealing With Contagious Diseases Of Animals

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Titl.1 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for Dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals, and Annex (Paris, 25 January 1924) TITL TITL
Src.1 Source: Unofficial Text SRC SRC
Pre.1 The Governments of the Argentine Republic, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Morocco, Mexico, Principality of Monaco, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and of Tunis, having considered that it would be advantageous to organise the International Office for dealing with the Contagious Diseases of Animals as contemplated by the International Conference for the Study of Contagious Diseases of Animals on 27 May 1921, have decided to conclude an agreement to this effect and have agreed as follows: DESC RELA DESC RELA
Art.1 Article 1 SBS SBS
Art.1.1x The High Contracting Parties undertake to found and maintain an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals, with its seat at Paris.
Art.2 Article 2 SBS HOBS HOBS
Art.2.1x The Office shall work under the authority and control of a committee formed by delegates of the contracting Governments. The composition and duties of this committee, as well as the organisation and powers of the said office, are laid down in the organic statutes which are annexed to the present Agreement and which are considered as forming an integral part thereof. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.3 Article 3 FINAD FINAD
Art.3.1x The cost of the preliminary outlay, as well as the annual expenditure for the working and upkeep of the Office, shall be covered by the contributions of the Contracting States as laid down in the conditions provided for in the organic statutes to which reference has been made in Article 2.
Art.4 Article 4 FINAD FINAD
Art.4.1x The sums representing the contribution of each of the Contracting States shall be paid by the latter at the commencement of each year through the intermediary of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the "Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations" at Paris, whence they will be withdrawn, as and when necessity arises, on the order of the director of the Office. RELA
Art.5 Article 5 AMND SUBS
Art.5.1x The High Contracting Parties reserve to themselves the right, if all are in agreement, to make any modifications of the present Agreement which experience may show to be useful.
Art.6.1x Governments which have not signed the present Agreement may accede to it on their request. Such accession shall be notified through the diplomatic channel to the French Government and by the latter to the other Contracting Governments; it will involve the undertaking to participate by means of a contribution to the expenses of the Office under the conditions laid down in Article 3.
Art.7.1x The present Agreement shall be ratified under the following conditions: Each Power will communicate its ratification with as little delay as possible to the French Government, who will notify the other signatory countries.
Art.7.1x.bx The ratifications shall be deposited in the archives of the French Government. The present Agreement will enter into force for each signatory country on the day on which its ratification is deposited.
Art.8 Article 8 RESV EIF RESV
Art.8.1x The present Agreement is concluded for a period of seven years. On the expiry of this period, it will continue to remain in force for further periods of seven years between the States which have not notified one year before the end of each period their intention no longer to give effect to its provisions in so far as concerns them.
Conc.1 IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorised for this purpose, have signed the present Agreement in a single copy, to which they have attached their seals; this copy will remain deposited in the archives of the French Government, and certified copies will be sent through the diplomatic channel to the Contracting Parties. CONC DEPO CONC DEPO
Conc.2 The said copy is open for signature until the 30th April, 1924, inclusive.
Conc.3 DONE at Paris, the 25th January, 1924.
Conc.4 [Signatures not reproduced here.]