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Paragraphs in "Amendment to the Agreement On The Network Of Aquaculture Centres In Asia And The Pacific" coded as DISP

Label Provision
Art.9 Article 9
Art.9.1 1. The functions of the Governing Council shall be:
Art.9.1.a (a) to determine the policy of the Organization and to approve by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members its programme of work and its budget, giving due consideration to the conclusions and recommendations of the Technical Advisory Committee referred to in Article 11;
Art.9.1.b (b) to assess, by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members, the contribution of Members as provided in Article 13;
Art.9.1.c (c) to establish special funds to enable the acceptance of additional resources for the development of programmes and projects;
Art.9.1.d (d) to lay down general standards and guidelines for the management of the Organization;
Art.9.1.e (e) to evaluate the progress of work and activities of the Organization including the auditing of accounts, in accordance with policies and procedures established for the purpose by the Governing Council, and to give guidance to the Coordinator on the implementation of its decisions;
Art.9.1.f (f) to formulate and adopt the Financial Regulations and the Administrative Regulations, and to appoint auditors;
Art.9.1.g (g) to appoint the Coordinator of the Organization and to determine his conditions of service;
Art.9.1.h (h) to adopt rules governing the settlement of disputes, referred to in Article 19;
Art.9.1.i (i) to approve formal arrangements with governments as well as other organizations or institutions, including any headquarters agreement concluded between the Organization and the Host Government;
Art.9.1.j (j) to adopt the Staff Regulations which determine the general terms and conditions of employment of the staff;
Art.9.1.k (k) to approve agreements for cooperation to be concluded pursuant to Article 15; and
Art.9.1.l (l) to perform all other functions that have been entrusted to it by this Agreement or that are ancillary to the accomplishment of the approved activities of the Organization.
Art.19 Article 19
Art.19.1 1. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement which cannot be settled by negotiation, conciliation or similar means may be referred by any party to the dispute to the Governing Council for its recommendation. Failing settlement of the dispute, the matter shall be submitted to an arbitral tribunal consisting of three arbitrators. The parties to the dispute shall appoint one arbitrator each; the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate by mutual consent the third arbitrator, who shall be the President of the tribunal. If one of the Parties does not appoint an arbitrator within two months of the appointment of the first arbitrator, or if the President of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the appointment of the second arbitrator, the Chairman of the Governing Council shall designate the arbitrator or the President, as the case may be, within a further two-month period.
Art.19.2 2. The proceedings of the arbitral tribunal shall be carried out in accordance with the rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL).
Art.19.3 3. A Member which fails to abide by an arbitral award rendered in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by a two-thirds majority of the Members.