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Paragraphs in "Amendment To The Convention Relating To The Creation Of The Gambia River Basin Development Organization (Adhesion of Guinée-Bissau)" coded as INFO

Label Provision
Art.8.5 (5) River basin development programmes which are of interest to one or more member States shall be submitted for the approval of the Council of Ministers prior to execution.
Art.10.4x The Council of Ministers shall report to the Conference of Heads of State and Government by the intermediary of its Chairman assisted by the High Commissioner.
Art.12.2x The High Commission shall be the executive organ of the Organisation. It shall apply the decisions of the Council of Ministers of the Organisation and report regularly as regards the execution of these decisions and of all the initiatives that it has been called upon to take in conformity with the directives given by the Council of Ministers.
Art.14.1x The High Commissioner shall be responsible to the Council of Ministers to whom he shall report on his management and the activities of the High Commission.
Art.16.3x The High Commissioner shall examine the projects evolved by the States for the development of the Gambia River Basin and shall submit them with his opinions to the Council of Ministers of the Organisation.