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Paragraphs in "Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Sustainable Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The Northeast Pacific" coded as DEFN

Label Provision
Art.3.1 1. For the purposes of this Convention:
Art.3.1.a (a) "Sustainable development" means the process of progressive change in the quality of life of human beings, which places it as the centre and primordial subject of development, by means of economic growth with social equity and the transformation of methods of production and consumption patterns, and which is sustained in the ecological balance and vital support of the region. This process implies respect for regional, national and local ethnic and cultural diversity, and the full participation of people in peaceful coexistence and in harmony with nature, without prejudice to and ensuring the quality of life of future generations;
Art.3.1.b (b) "Economic assessment" means the assignment of monetary value to environmental goods and services for which no market values exist, so that their value may be explicitly reflected in every decision-making process based on monetary benefits and costs;
Art.3.1.c (c) "Environmental services," means the services provided by the functions of nature itself (for example, the protection of soil by trees, the natural filtration and purification of water, the protection of habitat for biodiversity, etc.);
Art.3.1.d (d) "Pollution of the marine environment" means the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or of energy into the marine environment (including estuaries and wetlands) which cause or may give rise to harmful effects such as damage to living resources or marine life, risks to human health, obstacles to maritime activities including fisheries and other legitimate uses of the sea, deterioration of sea water quality for their use, and impairment of leisure and aquaculture areas;
Art.3.1.e (e) "Other forms of environmental deterioration" means activities of man-made origin that may alter the quality of the marine environment and its resources and affect them in such a way as to reduce their natural recovery and regeneration capacity, such as erosion, the introduction of exotic species, protection capacity against natural phenomena, etc.;
Art.3.1.f (f) The term "discharges" refers to the pollution of the marine and coastal environment deriving from spills, disposal or dumping of wastes and hazardous substances from ships, aircraft, the atmosphere or land-based sources of pollution;
Art.3.1.g (g) "Dumping" means the deliberate discharge of substances or other materials into the sea or from ships or aircraft;
Art.3.1.h (h) "Monitoring" means the periodic measurement of environmental quality indicators;
Art.3.1.i (i) "National authority" means the authority designated by each Contracting Party in accordance with article 9, paragraph 2, and article 11, paragraph 1, subparagraphs (a), (b) and (d) of this Convention;
Art.3.1.j (j) "Executive Secretariat" means the body indicated in article 14 of this Convention. (k)