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Paragraphs in "Agreement On The Conservation Of Albatrosses And Petrels" coded as DESCR

Label Provision
Pre.2 RECALLING that the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 1979, (the Convention) encourages international cooperative action to conserve and manage migratory species, and that its Parties are encouraged to conclude Agreements on wild animals which periodically cross national jurisdictional boundaries;
Pre.3 CONSIDERING that the fifth meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention, held in Geneva in April 1997, listed all Southern Hemisphere albatross species on either Appendix I or II;
Pre.4 RECALLING that the sixth meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention, held in South Africa in November 1999, listed a number of petrel species on Appendix II, noted the threats posed by fisheries by-catch in general to a wide range of species, and in particular to albatrosses and petrels, and requested relevant Parties to develop an Agreement, under the Convention, for the conservation of Southern Hemisphere albatrosses;
Pre.5 APPRECIATING the work of the Group of Temperate Southern Hemisphere Countries on the Environment (known as the Valdivia Group) in considering the need to address the threats posed to Southern Hemisphere albatross populations, and the work of Australia in taking forward this need in the context of the Convention;
Pre.6 RECOGNISING that albatrosses and petrels are an integral part of marine ecosystems which must be conserved for the benefit of present and future generations, and that their conservation is a matter of common concern, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere;
Pre.7 AWARE that the conservation status of albatrosses and petrels can be adversely affected by factors such as degradation and disturbance of their habitats, pollution, reduction of food resources, use and abandonment of non-selective fishing gear, and specifically by incidental mortality as a result of commercial fishing activities;
Pre.8 CONVINCED that the vulnerability of Southern Hemisphere albatrosses and petrels to such threats warrants the implementation of specific conservation measures, where they do not already exist, by Range States;
Pre.9 ACKNOWLEDGING that, notwithstanding past or ongoing scientific research, knowledge of the biology, ecology and population dynamics of albatrosses and petrels is limited, and that it is necessary to develop cooperative research and monitoring of these species in order to implement fully effective and efficient conservation measures;
Pre.10 CONSCIOUS of the cultural significance of albatrosses and petrels to some indigenous peoples;
Pre.11 CONVINCED that the conclusion of a multilateral agreement and its implementation through coordinated, concerted actions will contribute significantly to the conservation of Southern Hemisphere albatrosses and petrels and their habitats in the most effective and efficient manner;
Pre.12 NOTING that Northern Hemisphere albatrosses and petrels may in future benefit from incorporation into this Agreement with a view to promoting co-ordinated conservation actions between Range States;
Pre.13 RECALLING the obligation in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, to protect and preserve the marine environment;
Pre.14 RECOGNISING the significance of the Antarctic Treaty, 1959, and the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, 1980, whose Commission has adopted conservation measures to reduce incidental catch within the area of application of that Convention, particularly of albatrosses and petrels;
Pre.15 RECOGNISING further that the Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna, 1992, enables its Commission to adopt conservation measures to reduce the incidental catch of seabirds;
Pre.16 ACKNOWLEDGING that the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries was adopted in 1999, and that a number of conventions relating to the conservation and management of marine living resources have the capacity to contribute positively to the conservation of albatrosses and petrels;
Pre.17 RECOGNISING the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 1992, Principle 15, that, in order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach should be widely applied;
Pre.18 RECALLING further that the Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992, obliges its Parties to cooperate with each other or through competent international organisations to conserve biological diversity,