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Paragraphs in "Protocol On Water And Health To The Convention On The Protection And Use Of Transboundary Watercourses And International Lakes" coded as REVW

Label Provision
Art.7 Article 7
Art.7.1 1. The Parties shall each collect and evaluate data on:
Art.7.1.a (a) Their progress towards the achievement of the targets referred to in article 6, paragraph 2;
Art.7.1.b (b) Indicators that are designed to show how far that progress has contributed towards preventing, controlling or reducing water-related disease.
Art.7.2 2. The Parties shall each publish periodically the results of this collection and evaluation of data. The frequency of such publication shall be established by the Meeting of the Parties.
Art.7.3 3. The Parties shall each ensure that the results of water and effluent sampling carried out for the purpose of this collection of data are available to the public.
Art.7.4 4. On the basis of this collection and evaluation of data, each Party shall review periodically the progress made in achieving the targets referred to in article 6, paragraph 2, and publish an assessment of that progress. The frequency of such reviews shall be established by the Meeting of the Parties. Without prejudice to the possibility of more frequent reviews under article 6, paragraph 2, reviews under this paragraph shall include a review of the targets referred to in article 6, paragraph 2, with a view to improving the targets in the light of scientific and technical knowledge.
Art.7.5 5. Each Party shall provide to the secretariat referred to in article 17, for circulation to the other Parties, a summary report of the data collected and evaluated and the assessment of the progress achieved. Such reports shall be in accordance with guidelines established by the Meeting of the Parties. These guidelines shall provide that the Parties can use for this purpose reports covering the relevant information produced for other international forums.
Art.7.6 6. The Meeting of the Parties shall evaluate progress in implementing this Protocol on the basis of such summary reports.
Art.15 Article 15
Art.15.1x The Parties shall review the compliance of the Parties with the provisions of this Protocol on the basis of the reviews and assessments referred to in article 7. Multilateral arrangements of a non-confrontational, non-judicial and consultative nature for reviewing compliance shall be established by the Parties at their first meeting. These arrangements shall allow for appropriate public involvement.
Art.16 Article 16
Art.16.1 1. The first meeting of the Parties shall be convened no later than eighteen months after the date of the entry into force of this Protocol. Thereafter, ordinary meetings shall be held at regular intervals to be determined by the Parties, but at least every three years, except in so far as other arrangements are necessary to achieve the aims of paragraph 2 of this article. The Parties shall hold an extraordinary meeting if they so decide in the course of an ordinary meeting or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within six months of it being communicated to all Parties, the said request is supported by at least one third of the Parties.
Art.16.2 2. Where possible, ordinary meetings of the Parties shall be held in conjunction with the meetings of the Parties to the Convention.
Art.16.3 3. At their meetings, the Parties shall keep under continuous review the implementation of this Protocol, and, with this purpose in mind, shall:
Art.16.3.a (a) Review the policies for and methodological approaches to the prevention, control and reduction of water-related disease, promote their convergence, and strengthen transboundary and international cooperation in accordance with articles 11, 12, 13 and 14;
Art.16.3.b (b) Evaluate progress in implementing this Protocol on the basis of information provided by the Parties in accordance with guidelines established by the Meeting of the Parties. Such guidelines shall avoid duplication of effort in reporting requirements;
Art.16.3.c (c) Be kept informed on progress made in the implementation of the Convention;
Art.16.3.d (d) Exchange information with the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention, and consider the possibilities for joint action with it;
Art.16.3.e (e) Seek, where appropriate, the services of relevant bodies of the Economic Commission for Europe and of the Regional Committee for Europe of the World Health Organization;
Art.16.3.f (f) Establish the modalities for the participation of other competent international governmental and non-governmental bodies in all meetings and other activities pertinent to the achievement of the purposes of this Protocol;
Art.16.3.g (g) Consider the need for further provisions on access to information, public participation in decision-making and public access to judicial and administrative review of decisions within the scope of this Protocol, in the light of experience gained on these matters in other international forums;
Art.16.3.h (h) Establish a programme of work, including projects to be carried out jointly under this Protocol and the Convention, and set up any bodies needed to implement this programme of work;
Art.16.3.i (i) Consider and adopt guidelines and recommendations which promote the implementation of the provisions of this Protocol;
Art.16.3.j (j) At the first meeting, consider and by consensus adopt rules of procedure for their meetings. These rules of procedure shall contain provision to promote harmonious cooperation with the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention;
Art.16.3.k (k) Consider and adopt proposals for amendments to this Protocol;
Art.16.3.l (l) Consider and undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the purposes of this Protocol.