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Paragraphs in "Agreement On The International Dolphin Conservation Program" coded as GOAL

Label Provision
Pre.1 Preamble
Pre.2 The Parties to this Agreement,
Pre.3 Aware that, in accordance with the relevant provisions of international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982, all States have the duty to take, or to cooperate with other States in taking, such measures as may be necessary for the conservation and management of living marine resources;
Pre.4 Inspired by the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development of 1992, as well as the wish to implement the principles and standards of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries adopted by the FAO Conference in 1995;
Pre.5 Stressing the political will of the international community to contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of fisheries conservation and management measures, through the Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, adopted by the FAO Conference in 1993;
Pre.6 Taking note that the 50th General Assembly of the United Nations, pursuant to resolution A/RES/50/24, adopted the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks ("the United Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks");
Pre.7 Reaffirming the commitments established in the La Jolla Agreement of 1992 and in the Declaration of Panama of 1995;
Pre.8 Emphasizing the goals of eliminating dolphin mortality in the purse-seine tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean and of seeking ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins;
Pre.9 Considering the importance of the tuna fishery as a source of food and income for the populations of the Parties and that conservation and management measures must address those needs and take into account the economic and social impacts of those measures;
Pre.10 Recognizing the dramatic reduction of incidental dolphin mortality achieved through the La Jolla Agreement;
Pre.11 Convinced that scientific evidence demonstrates that the technique of fishing for tuna in association with dolphins, in compliance with the regulations and procedures established under the La Jolla Agreement and reflected in the Declaration of Panama, has provided an effective method for the protection of dolphins and rational use of tuna resources in the eastern Pacific Ocean;
Pre.12 Reaffirming that multilateral cooperation constitutes the most effective means for achieving the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources;
Pre.13 Committed to ensure the sustainability of tuna stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean and to progressively reduce the incidental dolphin mortalities in the tuna fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean to levels approaching zero; to avoid, reduce and minimize the incidental catch and the discard of juvenile tuna and the incidental catch of non-target species, taking into consideration the interrelationship among species in the ecosystem;
Pre.14 Have agreed as follows:
Art.2 Article II Objectives
Art.2.0x The objectives of this Agreement are:
Art.2.1 1. To progressively reduce incidental dolphin mortalities in the tuna purse-seine fishery in the Agreement Area to levels approaching zero, through the setting of annual limits;
Art.2.2 2. With the goal of eliminating dolphin mortality in this fishery, to seek ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins; and
Art.2.3 3. To ensure the long-term sustainability of the tuna stocks in the Agreement Area, as well as that of the living marine resources related to this fishery, taking into consideration the interrelationship among species in the ecosystem, with special emphasis on, inter alia, avoiding, reducing and minimizing bycatch and discards of juvenile tunas and non-target species.