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Paragraphs in "Agreement On Cooperative Enforcement Operations Directed At Illegal Trade In Wild Fauna And Flora" coded as DESCR

Label Provision
Pre.1 Preamble
Pre.3 Conscious that the conservation of wild fauna and flora is essential to the overall maintenance of Africa's biological diversity and that wild fauna and flora are essential to the sustainable development of Africa,
Pre.4 Conscious also of the need to reduce and ultimately eliminate illegal trade in wild fauna and flora,
Pre.5 Recognising that the intense poaching that has resulted in severe depletion of certain wildlife populations in African States has been caused by illegal trade, and that poaching will not be curtailed until such illegal trade is eliminated,
Pre.6 Noting that illegal trade in wild fauna and flora has been made more sophisticated through the use of superior technology in transboundary transactions and should be addressed through commensurate national, regional and international measures,
Pre.7 Recalling the provisions of the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Algiers, 1968) , the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Washington, 1973) , and the Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) ,
Pre.8 Affirming that States are responsible for the conservation of their wild fauna and flora,
Pre.9 Recognising the need for co-operation among States in law enforcement to reduce and ultimately eliminate illegal trade in wild fauna and flora,
Pre.10 Recognising also that sharing of information, training, experience and expertise among States is vital for effective law enforcement to reduce and ultimately eliminate illegal trade in wild fauna and flora,
Pre.11 Desirous of establishing close co-operation among themselves in order to reduce and ultimately eliminate illegal trade in wild fauna and flora,