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Paragraphs in "Agreement Between South Africa, Swaziland And Mozambique Relative To The Establishment Of A Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee Regarding Rivers Of Common Interest" coded as HOBS

Label Provision
Art.1 Article 1
Art.1.1x The Contracting Parties shall establish a Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee.
Art.2 Article 2
Art.2.1x The Tripartite Permanent Technical Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the TPTC") shall consist of three representatives from each Government one of whom shall be nominated chairman, and each Government will have power to co-opt additional suitable persons to take part in the discussions as advisors. The chairmanship and the venue of meetings shall rotate among the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland and the People's Republic of Mozambique.
Art.3 Article 3
Art.3.1x The three Chairmen shall convene the TPTC as and when circumstances require. Six members of the Committee shall form a quorum for any meeting, provided at least two representatives of each Government are present at such meetings. All conclusions and recommendations by the TPTC shall be by consensus.