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Paragraphs in "Convention For The Conservation Of Salmon In The North Atlantic Ocean" coded as INFO

Label Provision
Art.4.1.a (a) to provide a forum for the study, analysis and exchange of information among the Parties on matters concerning the salmon stocks subject to this Convention, and on the achievement of the objective of the Convention;
Art.5.6 6. The Council shall submit to the Parties an annual report of the activities of the Organization.
Art.10.8 8. Each Commission shall, on a timely basis, make a report of its activities to the Council.
Art.12.2.b (b) to compile and disseminate statistics and reports concerning the salmon stocks subject to this Convention; and
Art.14.2 2. Each Party shall transmit to the Council an annual statement of the actions taken pursuant to paragraph 1. Such statement shall be sent to the Secretary not later than 60 days before the annual meeting of the Council.
Art.15.1 1. Each Party shall provide to the Council available catch statistics for salmon stocks subject to this Convention taken in its rivers and area of fisheries jurisdiction at such intervals as the Council may determine.
Art.15.2 2. Each Party shall compile and provide to the Council such other statistics for salmon stocks subject to this Convention in its rivers and area of fisheries jurisdiction as required by the Council. The Council shall decide by unanimous vote the scope and form of such statistics and the intervals at which they shall be provided.
Art.15.3 3. Each Party shall provide the Council with any other available scientific and statistical information which it requires for the purposes of this Convention.
Art.15.4 4. Upon the request of the Council each Party shall provide to the Council copies of laws, regulations and programmes in force or, where appropriate, summaries thereof, relating to the conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon stocks subject to this Convention in its rivers and area of fisheries jurisdiction.
Art.15.5 5. Each year each Party shall notify the Council of:
Art.15.5.a (a) the adoption or repeal since its last notification of laws, regulations and programmes relating to the conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon stocks subject to this Convention in its rivers and area of fisheries jurisdiction;
Art.15.5.b (b) any commitments by the responsible authorities concerning the adoption or maintenance in force for specified periods of time within its territory or area of fisheries jurisdiction of measures relating to the conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon stocks subject to this Convention; and
Art.15.5.c (c) factors within its territory and area of fisheries jurisdiction which may significantly affect the abundance of salmon stocks subject to this Convention.
Art.15.6 6. The notifications referred to in paragraph 5 (a) shall be sent to the Secretary not later than 60 days before the annual meeting of the Council. The notifications referred to in paragraph 5 (b) and (c) shall be sent to the Secretary as soon as practicable.