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Paragraphs in "Convention On Future Multilateral Cooperation In The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries" coded as SUBS

Label Provision
Art.2 Article II
Art.2.1 1. The Contracting Parties agree to establish and maintain an international organization whose object shall be to contribute through consultation and cooperation to the optimum utilization, rational management and conservation of the fishery resources of the Convention Area. This organization shall be known as the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, hereinafter referred to as "the Organization", and shall carry out the functions set forth in this Convention.
Art.2.2 2. The Organization shall consist of:
Art.2.2.a a) a General Council;
Art.2.2.b b) a Scientific Council;
Art.2.2.c c) a Fisheries Commission;
Art.2.2.d d) a Secretariat.
Art.2.3 3. The Organization shall have legal personality and shall enjoy in its relations with other international organizations and in the territories of the Contracting Parties such legal capacity as may be necessary to perform its functions and achieve its ends. The immunities and privileges which the Organization and its officers shall enjoy in the territory of a Contracting Party shall be subject to agreement between the Organization and the Contracting Party concerned.
Art.2.4 4. The headquarters of the Organization shall be at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, or as such other place as may be decided by the General Council.
Art.6 Article VI
Art.6.1 1. The functions of the Scientific Council shall be:
Art.6.1.a (a) to provide a forum for consultation and cooperation among the Contracting Parties with respect to the study, appraisal and exchange of scientific information and views relating to the fisheries of the Convention Area, including environmental and ecological factors affecting these fisheries, and to encourage and promote cooperation among the Contracting Parties in scientific research designed to fill gaps in knowledge pertaining to these matters;
Art.6.1.b (b) to compile and maintain statistics and records and to publish or disseminate reports, information and materials pertaining to the fisheries of the Convention Area, including environmental and ecological factors affecting these fisheries;
Art.6.1.c (c) to provide scientific advice to coastal States, where requested to do so pursuant to Article VII; and
Art.6.1.d (d) to provide scientific advice to the Fisheries Commission, pursuant to Article VIII or on its own initiative as required for the purposes of the Commission.
Art.6.2 2. The functions of the Scientific Council may, where appropriate, be carried out in cooperation with other public or private organizations having related objectives.
Art.6.3 3. The Contracting Parties shall furnish to the Scientific Council any available statistical and scientific information requested by the Council for the purpose of this Article.
Art.7 Article VII
Art.7.1 1. The Scientific Council shall, at the request of a coastal State, consider and report on any question pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources in waters under the fisheries jurisdiction of that coastal State within the Convention Area.
Art.7.2 2. The coastal State shall, in consultation with the Scientific Council, specify terms of reference for the consideration of any question referred to the Council pursuant to paragraph 1. These terms of reference shall include, along with any other matters deemed appropriate, such of the following as are applicable:
Art.7.2.a (a) a statement of the question referred, including a description of the fisheries and area to be considered;
Art.7.2.b (b) where scientific estimates or predictions are sought, a description of any relevant factors or assumptions to be taken into account; and
Art.7.2.c (c) where applicable, a description of any objectives the coastal State is seeking to attain and an indication of whether specific advice or a range of options should be provided.
Art.11 Article XI
Art.11.1 1. The Fisheries Commission, hereinafter referred to as "the Commission", shall be responsible for the management and conservation of the fishery resources of the Regulatory Area in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
Art.11.2 2. The Commission may adopt proposals for joint action by the Contracting Parties designed to achieve the optimum utilization of the fishery resources of the Regulatory Area. In considering such proposals, the Commission shall take into account any relevant information or advice provided to it by the Scientific Council.
Art.11.3 3. In the exercise of its functions under paragraph 2, the Commission shall seek to ensure consistency between:
Art.11.3.a (a) any proposal that applies to a stock or group of stocks occurring both within the Regulatory Area and within an area under the fisheries jurisdiction of a coastal State, or any proposal that would have an effect through species interrelationships on a stock or group of stocks occurring in whole or in part within an area under the fisheries jurisdiction of a coastal State; and
Art.11.3.b (b) any measures or decisions taken by the coastal State for the management and conservation of that stock or group of stocks with respect to fishing activities conducted within the area under its fisheries jurisdiction. The appropriate coastal State and the Commission shall accordingly promote the coordination of such proposals, measures and decisions. Each coastal State shall keep the Commission informed of its measures and decisions for the purpose of this Article.
Art.11.4 4. Proposals adopted by the Commission for the allocation of catches in the Regulatory Area shall take into account the interests of Commission members whose vessels have traditionally fished within that Area, and, in the allocation of catches from the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap, Commission members shall give special consideration to the Contracting Party whose coastal communities are primarily dependent on fishing for stocks related to these fishing banks and which has undertaken extensive efforts to ensure the conservation of such stocks through international action, in particular, by providing surveillance and inspection of international fisheries on these banks under an international scheme of joint enforcement.
Art.11.5 5. The Commission may also adopt proposals for international measures of control and enforcement within the Regulatory Area for the purpose of ensuring within that Area the application of this Convention and the measures in force thereunder.
Art.11.6 6. Each proposal adopted by the Commission shall be transmitted by the Executive Secretary to all Contracting Parties, specifying he date of transmittal for the purposes of paragraph 1 of Article XII.
Art.11.7 7. Subject to the provisions of Article XII, each proposal adopted by the Commission under this Article shall become a measure binding on all Contracting Parties to enter into force on a date determined by the Commission.
Art.11.8 8. The Commission may refer to the Scientific Council any question pertaining to the scientific basis for the management and conservation of fishery resources within the Regulatory Area and shall specify terms of reference for the consideration of that question.
Art.11.9 9. The Commission may invite the attention of any or all Commission members to any matters which relate to the objectives and purposes of this Convention within the Regulatory Area.
Art.12 Article XII
Art.12.1 1. If any Commission member presents to the Executive Secretary an objection to a proposal within sixty days of the date of transmittal specified in the notification of the proposal by the Executive Secretary, the proposal shall not become a binding measure until the expiration of forty days following the date of transmittal specified in the notification of that object to the Contracting Parties. Thereupon any other Commission member may similarly object prior to the expiration of the additional forty-day period, or within thirty days after the date of transmittal specified in the notification to the Contracting Parties of any objection presented within that additional forty-day period, whichever shall be the later. The proposal shall then become a measure binding on all Contracting Parties, except those which have presented objections, at the end of the extended period or periods for objecting. If, however, at the end of such extended period or periods, objections have been presented and maintained by a majority of Commission members, the proposal shall not become a binding measure, unless any or all of the Commission members nevertheless agree as among themselves to be bound by it on an agreed date.
Art.12.2 2. Any Commission member which has objected to a proposal may at any time withdraw that objection and the proposal immediately shall become a measure binding on such a member, subject to the objection procedure provided for in this Article.
Art.12.3 3. At any time after the expiration of one year from the date on which a measure enters into force, any Commission member may give to the Executive Secretary notice of its intention not to be bound by the measure, and, if that notice is not withdrawn, the measure shall cease to be binding on that member at the end of one year from the date of receipt of the notice by the Executive Secretary. At any time after a measure has ceased to be binding on a Commission member under this paragraph, the measure shall cease to be binding on any other Commission member upon the date a notice of its intention not to be bound is received by the Executive Secretary.
Art.12.4 4. The Executive Secretary shall immediately notify each Contracting Party of:
Art.12.4.a (a) the receipt of each objection and withdrawal of objection under paragraphs 1 and 2;
Art.12.4.b (b) the date on which any proposal becomes a binding measure under the provisions of paragraph 1; and
Art.12.4.c (c) the receipt of each notice under paragraph 3.
Art.17 Article XVII
Art.17.1x The Contracting Parties agree to take such action, including the imposition of adequate sanctions for violations, as may be necessary to make effective the provisions of the Convention and to implement any measures which become binding under paragraph 7 of Article XI and any measures which are in force under Article XXIII. Each Contracting Party shall transmit to the Commission an annual statement of the actions taken by it for these purposes.
Art.19 Article XIX
Art.19.1x The Contracting Parties agree to invite the attention of any State not a Party to this Convention to any matter relating to the fishing activities in the Regulatory Area of the nationals or vessels of that State which appear to affect adversely the attainment of the objectives of this Convention. The Contracting Parties further agree to confer when appropriate upon the steps to be taken towards obviating such adverse effects.
Art.22 Article XXII
Art.22.1 1. This Convention shall be open for signature at Ottawa until 31 December 1978, by the Parties represented at the Diplomatic Conference on the Future of Multilateral Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, held at Ottawa from 11 to 21 October 1977. It shall thereafter be open for accession.
Art.22.2 2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatories and the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of Canada referred to in this Convention as "the Depositary".
Art.22.3 3. This Convention shall enter into force upon the first day of January following the deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval by not less than six Signatories, at least one of which exercises fisheries jurisdiction in waters forming part of the Convention Area.
Art.22.4 4. Any party which has not signed this Convention may accede thereto by a notification in writing to the Depositary. Accessions received by the Depositary prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date this Convention enters into force. Accessions received by the Depositary after the date of entry into force of this Convention shall become effective on the date of receipt by the Depositary.
Art.22.5 5. The Depositary shall inform all Signatories and all Contracting Parties of all ratifications, acceptances or approvals deposited and accessions received.
Art.22.6 6. The Depositary shall convene the initial meeting of the Organization to be held not more than six months after the coming into force of the Convention, and shall communicate the provisional agenda to each Contracting Party not less than one month before the date of the meeting.
Art.23 Article XXIII
Art.23.1x Upon the entry into force of this Convention, each proposal that has been transmitted or is effective at that time under Article VIII of the International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, 1949, ("the ICNAF Convention") shall, subject to the provisions of the ICNAF Convention, become a measure binding on each Contracting Party with respect to the Regulatory Area immediately, if the proposal has become effective under the ICNAF Convention, or at such time as it becomes effective thereunder. Subject to paragraph 3 of Article XII of this Convention, each such measure shall remain binding on each Contracting Party, until such time as it expire or is replaced by a measure which has become binding pursuant to Article XI of this Convention; provided that no such replacement shall take effect before this Convention has been in force for one year.