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Paragraphs in "Implementing Agreement On The Technical Exchange Of Information In The Field Of Reactor Safety Research And Development To The Agreement on an International Energy Programme" coded as IMPL

Label Provision
Art.2 Article 2
Art.3 Article 3
Art.3.1 1. The emergency reserve commitment set out in Article 2 may be satisfied by:
Art.3.1.ax -oil stocks,
Art.3.1.bx -fuel switching capacity,
Art.3.1.cx -stand-by oil production,
Art.3.1.dx in accordance with the provisions of the Annex which forms an integral part of this Agreement.
Art.3.2 2. The Governing Board shall, acting by majority, not later than 1st July, 1975, decide the extent to which the emergency reserve commitment may be satisfied by the elements mentioned in paragraph 1.
Art.5 Article 5
Art.5.1 1. Each Participating Country shall at all times have ready a program of contingent oil demand restraint measures enabling it to reduce its rate of final consumption in accordance with Chapter IV.
Art.5.2 2. The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall, on a continuing basis, review and assess:
Art.5.2.ax -each Participating Country's program of demand restraint measures,
Art.5.2.bx #NAME?
Art.5.3 3. The Standing Group on Emergency Questions shall report to the Management Committee, which shall make proposals, as appropriate, to the Governing Board. The Governing Board may, acting by majority, adopt recommendations to Participating Countries.
Chapt.3 Chapter III
Art.6 Article 6
Art.7 Article 7
Art.7.1 1. When allocation of oil is carried out pursuant to Article 13, 14, or 15, each Participating Country shall have a supply right equal to its permissible consumption less its emergency reserve drawdown obligation.
Art.7.2 2. A Participating Country whose supply right exceeds the sum of its normal domestic production and actual net imports available during an emergency shall have an allocation right which entitles it to additional net imports equal to that excess.
Art.7.3 3. A Participating Country in which the sum of normal domestic production and actual net imports available during an emergency exceeds its supply right shall have an allocation obligation which requires it to supply, directly or indirectly, the quantity of oil equal to that excess to other Participating Countries. This would not preclude any Participating Country from maintaining exports of oil to non-participating countries.
Art.7.4 4. The term "permissible consumption" means the average daily rate of final consumption allowed when emergency demand restraint at the applicable level has been activated; possible further voluntary demand restraint by any Participating Country shall not affect its allocation right or obligation.
Art.7.5 5. The term "emergency reserve drawdown obligation" means the emergency reserve commitment of any Participating Country divided by the total emergency reserve commitment of the group and multiplied by the group supply shortfall.
Art.7.6 6. The term "group supply shortfall" means the shortfall for the group as measured by the aggregate permissible consumption for the group minus the daily rate of oil supplies available to the group during an emergency.
Art.7.7 7. The term "oil supplies available to the group" means
Art.7.7.ax -all crude oil available to the group,
Art.7.7.bx #NAME?
Art.7.7.cx #NAME?
Art.7.8 8. The term "final consumption" means total domestic consumption of all finished petroleum products.
Art.8 Article 8
Art.8.1 1. When allocation of oil to a Participating Country is carried out pursuant to Article 17, that Participating Country shall
Art.8.1.ax -sustain from its final consumption the reduction in its oil supplies up to a level equal to 7 per cent of its final consumption during the base period,
Art.8.1.bx #NAME?
Art.8.2 2. The obligation to allocate this amount of oil is shared among the other Participating Countries on the basis of their final consumption during the base period.
Art.8.3 3. The Participating Countries may meet their allocation obligations by any measures of their own choosing, including demand restraint measures or use of emergency reserves.
Art.9 Article 9
Art.9.1 1. For purposes of satisfying allocation rights and allocation obligations, the following elements will be included:
Art.9.1.ax -all crude oil,
Art.9.1.bx -all petroleum products,
Art.9.1.cx #NAME?
Art.9.1.dx #NAME?
Art.9.2 2. To calculate a Participating Country's allocation right, petroleum products normally imported by that Participating Country, whether from other Participating Countries or from non-participating countries, shall be expressed in crude oil equivalent and treated as though they were imports of crude oil to that Participating Country.
Art.9.3 3. Insofar as possible, normal channels of supply will be maintained as well as the normal supply proportions between crude oil and products and among different categories of crude oil and products.
Art.9.4 4. When allocation takes place, an objective of the Program shall be that available crude oil and products shall, insofar as possible, be shared within the refining and distributing industries as well as between refining and distributing companies in accordance with historical supply patterns.
Art.12 Article 12
Art.12.1x Whenever the group as a whole or any Participating Country sustains or can reasonably be expected to sustain a reduction in its oil supplies, the emergency measures, which are the mandatory demand restraint referred to in Chapter II and the allocation of available oil referred to in Chapter III, shall be activated in accordance with this Chapter.
Art.13 Article 13
Art.13.1x Whenever the group sustains or can reasonably be expected to sustain a reduction in the daily rate of its oil supplies at least equal to 7 per cent of the average daily rate of its final consumption during the base period, each Participating Country shall implement demand restraint measures sufficient to reduce its final consumption by an amount equal to 7 per cent of its final consumption during the base period, and allocation of available oil among the Participating Countries shall take place in accordance with Articles 7, 9, 10 and 11.
Art.14 Article 14
Art.14.1x Whenever the group sustains or can reasonably be expected to sustain a reduction in the daily rate of its oil supplies at least equal to 12 per cent of the average daily rate of its final consumption during the base period, each Participating Country shall implement demand restraint measures sufficient to reduce its final consumption by an amount equal to 10 per cent of its final consumption during the base period, and allocation of available oil among the Participating Countries shall take place in accordance with Articles 7, 9, 10 and 11.
Art.15 Article 15
Art.15.1x When cumulative daily emergency reserve drawdown obligations as defined in Article 7 have reached 50 per cent of emergency reserve commitments and a decision has been taken in accordance with Article 20, each Participating Country shall take the measures so decided, and allocation of available oil among the Participating Countries shall take place in accordance with Articles 7, 9, 10 and 11.
Art.16 Article 16
Art.16.1x When demand restraint is activated in accordance with this Chapter, a Participating Country may substitute for demand restraint measures use of emergency reserves held in excess of its emergency reserve commitment as provided in the Program.
Art.17 Article 17
Art.17.1 1. Whenever any Participating Country sustains or can reasonably be expected to sustain a reduction in the daily rate of its oil supplies which results in a reduction of the daily rate of its final consumption by an amount exceeding 7 per cent of the average daily rate of its final consumption during the base period, allocation of available oil to that Participating Country shall take place in accordance with Articles 8 to 11.
Art.17.2 2. Allocation of available oil shall also take place when the conditions in paragraph 1 are fulfilled in a major region of a Participating Country whose oil market is incompletely integrated. In this case, the allocation obligation of other Participating Countries shall be reduced by the theoretical allocation obligation of any other major region or regions of the Participating Country concerned.
Art.21 Article 21
Art.21.1 1. Any Participating Country may request the Secretariat to make a finding under Article 19 or 20.
Art.21.2 2. If, within 72 hours of such request, the Secretariat does not make such a finding, the Participating Country may request the Management Committee to meet and consider the situation in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
Art.21.3 3. The Management Committee shall meet within 48 hours of such request in order to consider the situation. It shall, at the request of any Participating Country, report to the Governing Board within a further 48 hours. The report shall set out the views expressed by the members of the Committee and by the Secretariat, including any views regarding the handling of the situation.
Art.21.4 4. The Governing Board shall meet within 48 hours of receiving the Management Committee's report. If it finds, acting by majority, that the conditions set out in Article 13, 14, 15 or 17 are fulfilled, emergency measures shall be activated accordingly.
Art.27 Article 27
Art.27.1 1. Under the General Section of the Information System, the Participating Countries shall, on a regular basis, make available to the Secretariat information on the precise data identified in accordance with Article 29 on the following subjects relating to oil companies operating within their respective jurisdictions:
Art.27.1.a (a) Corporate structure;
Art.27.1.b (b) Financial structure, including balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, and taxes paid;
Art.27.1.c (c) Capital investments realised;
Art.27.1.d (d) Terms of arrangements for access to major sources of crude oil;
Art.27.1.e (e) Current rates of production and anticipated changes therein;
Art.27.1.f (f) Allocations of available crude supplies to affiliates and other customers (criteria and realisations);
Art.27.1.g (g) Stocks;
Art.27.1.h (h) Cost of crude oil and oil products;
Art.27.1.i (i) Prices, including transfer prices to affiliates;
Art.27.1.j (j) Other subjects, as decided by the Governing Board, acting by unanimity.
Art.27.2 2. Each Participating Country shall take appropriate measures to ensure that all oil companies operating within its jurisdiction make such information available to it as is necessary to fulfill its obligations under paragraph 1, taking into account such relevant information as is already available to the public or to Governments.
Art.27.3 3. Each Participating Country shall provide information on a non-proprietary basis and on a company and/ or country basis as appropriate, and in such a manner and degree as will not prejudice competition or conflict with the legal requirements of any Participating Country relating to competition.
Art.27.4 4. No Participating Country shall be entitled to obtain, through the General Section, any information on the activities of a company operating within its jurisdiction which could not be obtained by it from that company by application of its laws or through its institutions and customs if that company were operating solely within its jurisdiction.
Art.41 Article 41
Art.41.1 1. The Participating Countries are determined to reduce over the longer term their dependence on imported oil for meeting their total energy requirements.
Art.41.2 2. To this end, the Participating Countries will undertake national programs and promote the adoption of co-operative programs, including, as appropriate, the sharing of means and efforts, while concerning national policies, in the areas set out in Article 42.
Art.45 Article 45
Art.45.1x To achieve the objectives set out in Article 44, the Participating Countries will give full consideration to the needs and interests of other oil consuming countries, particularly those of the developing countries.
Art.47 Article 47
Art.47.1x The Participating Countries will, in the context of the Program
Art.47.1x.ax -seek, in the light of their continuous review of developments in the international energy situation and its effect on the world economy, opportunities and means of encouraging stable international trade in oil and of promoting secure oil supplies on reas
Art.47.1x.bx -consider, in the light of work going on in other international organisations, other possible fields of co-operation including the prospects for co-operation in accelerated industrialisation and socio-economic development in the principal producing areas
Art.47.1x.cx #NAME?
Art.66 Article 66
Art.66.1x Each Participating Country shall take the necessary measures, including any necessary legislative measures, to implement this Agreement and decisions taken by the Governing Board.
Chapt.10.1x Chapter X