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Paragraphs in "Convention On The Conservation Of The Living Resources Of The Southeast Atlantic" coded as IMPL

Label Provision
Art.10 Article X
Art.10.1 1. Without prejudice to the rights of States in the waters in which they are entitled under international law to exercise jurisdiction over fisheries, each Contracting Party shall take appropriate measures, in its territories and in these waters with respect to all persons and vessels, and beyond these waters with respect to its nationals and vessels, to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the present Convention and the recommendations of the Commission which have become binding on that Contracting Party, and to apply sanctions for the violation of such recommendations.
Art.10.2 2. The Contracting Parties undertake to collaborate with each other with a view to the adoption of effective measures to ensure the implementation of this Convention and the achievement of its objectives.
Art.10.3 3. In addition, the Contracting Parties undertake to collaborate with each other with a view to setting up, upon a recommendation by the Commission, a system of international enforcement of such recommendations as the Commission may select for inclusion under the said system, except in the waters in which a State is entitled under international law to exercise jurisdiction over fisheries. The adoption and implementation of such a recommendation shall be governed by Articles VIII and IX of this Convention.
Art.10.4 4. The Contracting Parties shall transmit to the Commission, biennially, or at such times as may be required by the Commission, a statement of the action that they have taken pursuant to this Article.
Art.13 Article XIII
Art.13.1 1. At each regular session the Commission shall adopt a budget for the following fiscal period and budget estimates for the fiscal period following thereafter. The fiscal period shall be two years. However, should the Commission hold more than one regular session during a fiscal period, it may revise the current budget if required. Subject to the agreement of all Contracting Parties, the Commission may, at any session, adopt a supplementary budget.
Art.13.2 2. The contributions to the budget and any supplementary budget to be paid by each Contracting Party shall be payable in such currency or currencies and at such time as the Commission shall decide.
Art.13.3 3. The voting rights of any Contracting Party whose arrears of contributions equal or exceed its total contribution falling due in the preceding fiscal period shall be suspended unless the Commission decides otherwise.
Art.13.4 4. The Commission may also accept from any private or public sources other contributions for the furtherance of its objectives. Such contributions shall be used and administered in accordance with rules to be adopted by the Commission.
Art.13.5 5. The Commission shall arrange for an annual independent audit of its accounts to be made and submitted for review and approval by the Commission.
Art.13.6 6. The Commission shall establish a Working Capital Fund to finance operations of the Commission prior to receiving annual contributions, and for such other purposes as the Commission may determine. The Commission shall fix the level of the Fund, assess advances necessary for its establishment, and adopt regulations governing its use.