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Paragraphs in "Agreement On Administrative Arrangements For The Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power And Irrigation Development Project" coded as DEFN

Label Provision
Art.1 Article I
Art.1.0x Except where the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings wherever used in this Agreement:
Art.1.1 (1) "The Project" means the Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power and Irrigation Development Project as defined in the Annex.
Art.1.2 (2) "Coordinator" means the individual to be appointed, at the request of the Parties, by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Art.1.3 (3) "Cooperating Members" means the Governments of Australia, Canada, the Federal Republic of Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Philippines and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and any Government, or intergovernmental organisation which may join this agreement at a later date in accordance with Article 10 of the Agreement.
Art.1.4 (4) "The Government" means the Government of Cambodia.
Art.1.5 (5) "The Corporation" means the Société Nationale des Grands Barrages established under Cambodian Law No. 323 of 28 May 1965, to take charge of construction and operation of the Project.
Art.1.6 (6) "The Bank" means the National Bank of Cambodia.
Art.1.7 (7) "Bilateral Agreements" means the individual agreements between the Government and each Cooperating Member relating to the latter's assistance in the financing of the Project.
Art.1.8 (8) "Parties" means the Cooperating Members and the Government of Cambodia.