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Paragraphs in "Agreement For The Establishment For Arab Centre For The Studies Of Dry And Barren Land" coded as RELA

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Pre.9 Desiring to promote their cultural and economic ties and to co-operate in developing and improving the means of utilization of their resources and in realization to the ends of the Arab League charter have agreed on the following provisions which have been approved by the Arab League Council.
Art.1.1x An Arab Centre with a legal entity and an independent budget called "The Arab Centre for the Studies of Dry and Barren Land" shall be established within the framework of the Arab League.
Art.2.1x The Centre shall be constituted of the member states in the Arab League which join this Agreement. Other Arab Countries shall be admitted to membership of the Centre on request and with the Approval of the Centre's Administrative Council.
Art.3.2.d (d) The co-operation with similar international organizations and agencies which have interests in barrer lands such as the Unesco and the International Geographic Union.
Art.6.b (b) The Director General of the Centre and the Directors of the cultural and economical administration of the Arab League shall attend the meetings of the Council and shall have the right to participate in the deliberations with no right to vote. The Director General of the Centre shall be the Secretary of the Council.
Art.7.1x.e (e) Admission of Arab Countries, other than members of the League, to the membership of the Centre;
Art.12.1x.b b) Contribution from the Arab League;
Art.15.1x The representatives of the member countries in the centre, the officials and experts shall enjoy immunities and privi­leges necessary for their work in fulfilment of the object of the centre. The Secretary General of the Arab League shall determine these immunities and privileges in consul­tation with the concerned Arab Countries.
Art.16.1x.b b) In the case of dissolution of the centre, its assets and property shall be transferred to the Arab League.
Art.18.1x The signatories of this agreement shall ratify it in accor­dance with their laws and ratification documents shall be placed with the Secretariate of the Arab League which shall prepare a record certifying the placing of the ratification documents of every member country.
Art.19.2x The Secretary General shall extend invitation to the member countries to attend the first meeting of the Administrative Council.
Art.20.1x The Council of the Arab League shall decide in any dispute which may arise about the application or the interpretation of this agreement on the request of any party to the dispute or the request of the head of the Administrative Council.
Conc.2 This agreement is made in one copy in Arabic Language to be kept in the Secretary Office of the Arab League and a true copy to be given to each signatory state and to every member of the centre.