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Paragraphs in "Convention For The International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea" coded as SBS

Label Provision
Art.11 ARTICLE 11
Art.11.1 (1) The President and Vice-Presidents shall together constitute the Bureau of the Council.
Art.11.2 (2) The Bureau shall be the Executive Committee of the Council and shall carry out the decisions of the Council, draw up its agenda and convene its meetings. It shall also prepare the budget. It shall invest the reserve funds and carry out the tasks entrusted to it by the Council. It shall account to the Council for its activities.
Art.12 ARTICLE 12
Art.12.1x There shall be a Consultative Committee, a Finance Committee and such other committees as the Council may deem necessary for the discharge of its functions with the duties respectively assigned to them in the Rules of Procedure.
Art.13 ARTICLE 13
Art.13.1 (1) The Council shall appoint a General Secretary on such terms and to perform such duties as it may determine.
Art.13.2 (2) Subject to any general directions of the Council the Bureau shall appoint such other staff as may be required for the purposes of the Council on such terms and to perform such duties as it may determine.