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Paragraphs in "Convention Concerning Fishing In The Black Sea" coded as INFO

Label Provision
Art.6.1x For the purpose of preparing forecasts for fishing in the Black Sea, the Contracting Parties agree to exchange by any suitable means operational information concerning the migration of industrial fish, indicating the time and place at which they congregate, the direction of movement, the density of the schools, and the hydrometeorological conditions in which such congregations and migrations are observed.
Art.7.1x With a view to the rational utilization of the stocks of fish in the Black Sea, the Contracting Parties agree to exchange information annually on the results of scientific research in the fields of marine ichthyology, hydrobiology and fishing technique.
Art.7.2x The Contracting Parties shall exchange statistical data on catches of fish.
Art.9.1x.4 (4) It shall determine the nature and extent of the statistical and other data which each Contracting Party shall furnish to the Mixed Commission for the purpose of implementing this Convention;
Art.9.1x.5 (5) It shall exchange information concerning the application of this Convention;