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Paragraphs in "Phytosanitary Convention For Africa South Of The Sahara" coded as DEPO

Label Provision
Art.11 Article 11
Art.11.1x Any Government which is not a signatory to the present Convention may at any time after the Convention has entered into force in accordance with paragraph (b) of Article 12 accede thereto in respect of its metropolitan territory or any territory or territories for whose international relations it is responsible, situated in Africa to the south of the Sahara, by means of a notification in writing to the Government of the United Kingdom. The Government of the United Kingdom shall inform the other Governments party to the present Convention of each accession notified to them and the Convention shall apply to the territory or territories named in the notification from the date of its receipt by the Government of the United Kingdom.
Art.12 Article 12
Art.12.a (a) The present Convention shall be ratified by the signatory Governments, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom, which shall notify the other signatory Governments of the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification and of the date on which the present Convention enters into force in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Article.
Art.12.b (b) The present Convention shall enter into force on the date of deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification. In respect of any signatory Government ratifying subsequently the Convention shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
Conc.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.
Conc.2 DONE at London the 29th day of July, 1954, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authoritative, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United Kingdom by whom certified copies shall be transmitted to all the other signatory and acceding Governments.