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Paragraphs in "International Convention For The Protection Of Birds" coded as RESV

Label Provision
Art.6 Article 6
Art.6.1x If, in a particular region, one species is found to be jeopardizing the future of certain agricultural or animal products by damaging fields, vineyards gardens, orchards, woods, game or fish or threatening to destroy or simply diminish one or more species whose conservation is desirable, the appropriate authorities may issue individual permits, lifting the prohibitions established in articles 2 and 5 in the case of that species. It shall, however, be unlawful to purchase or sell birds killed in this manner or to transport them outside the region where they were killed.
Art.6.2x If national laws contain other provisions designed to reduce the damage caused by certain species of birds in such a way as to assure the perpetuation of those species, such provisions may be maintained by the High Contracting Parties.
Art.6.3x In view of the special importance of economic conditions in Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Faroe Islands, the appropriate authorities in those countries may make exceptions and permit certain derogations from the provisions of this Convention. If Iceland should accede to this Convention, it shall be entitled to enjoy the benefit of such derogations upon request.
Art.6.4x No measures shall be adopted in any country of such a nature as to cause the complete destruction of the indigenous or migratory species referred to in this article.
Art.7 Article 7
Art.7.1x Exceptions to the provisions of this Convention may be permitted by the appropriate authorities in the interests of science and education, the propagation and breeding of game birds and falconry, depending on the circumstances and provided that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent abuses. The provisions concerning transport contained in articles 3 and 4 shall not apply to the United Kingdom.
Art.7.2x In each country, the prohibitions enumerated in article 3 shall not apply to the plumage of species of birds which may be killed there.