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Paragraphs in "Convention For The Regulation Of The Meshes Of Fishing Nets And The Size Limits Of Fish" coded as REVW

Label Provision
Art.12 Article 12
Art.12.1 (1) The Contracting Governments undertake to set up a permanent Commission to which each of them shall appoint one or if they so desire two delegates.
Art.12.2 (2) The Commission shall elect its own President either from among the delegates or from independent nominees. If a delegate has been elected President lie shall forthwith cease to be the delegate of his Government and that Government shall have the right to appoint another person to serve as its delegate.
Art.12.3 (3) The Commission shall draw up its own rules of procedure including provisions for the term of office of the President and the election of subsequent Presidents and such rules may be altered or amended from time to time by a majority of the delegates of Contracting Governments who are present and vote. Only ill the case of an even division of votes on any such matter shall the President have a casting vote and it shall be decisive.
Art.12.4 (4) For the purpose of voting on all matters within the scope of this article each Contracting Government shall possess one vote, whether it has appointed one delegate or two, but the vote may be exercised by either delegate.
Art.12.5 (5) It shall be the duty of this Commission to consider whether the provisions of this Convention should be extended or altered. For this purpose the Commission shall where practicable consult the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Art.12.6 (6) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland undertakes to call the first meeting of this Commission in the United Kingdom within two years from the coming into force of this Convention, and to call subsequent meetings at the request of the President at such time and in such places as the Commission shall decide.
Art.12.7 (7) There shall be a meeting of the Commission not less than once in every three years.
Art.12.8 (8) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland undertakes to communicate the agenda for the first meeting to all other Contracting Governments not less than one month before the date of the meeting.
Art.12.9 (9) Reports of the proceedings of the Commission shall be transmitted by the President of the Commission to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which shall in turn communicate them to all the Governments which have ratified or acceded to this Convention.
Art.12.10 (10) The Contracting Governments undertake to give effect to any recommendation of the Commission for the extension or alteration of this Convention which has been carried unanimously at a meeting of the Commission and accepted by all Contracting Governments not represented at the meeting.