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Paragraphs in "Convention Between Denmark, Norway And Sweden Concerning The Preservation Of Plaice And Dab In The Skagerrak, Kattegat And Sound" coded as SUBS

Label Provision
Art.2 Article 2.
Art.2.1x With a view to the protection of plaice and dab, the minimum length for plaice is fixed at 26o m /m and for dab at 230 m/m, counted from the tip of the snout to the tip of the caudal fin.
Art.3 Article 3.
Art.3.1x In the zone to which the Convention applies, plaice and dabs below the minimum length prescribed in Article 2 shall not be killed, kept on board, taken away or landed in ports or on the coasts of this zone, or transported thither by ship or ferry, or sold or transported thence elsewhere.
Art.4 Article 4.
Art.4.1x The contracting States shall take suitable steps to ensure that their fishermen, when they have caught plaice or dabs which are below the minimum size, shall at once return them to the sea, taking such precautions as are necessary to ensure that they may remain alive.
Art.5 Article 5.
Art.5.1x The provisions of Articles 2, 3 and 4 shall not apply to plaice and dabs caught between the islands of the Norwegian and Swedish coasts in the Skagerrak and landed there for consumption in the fishermens' own homes, or to plaice and dabs landed in Denmark on the open coast between the Tversted Buoy and Hanstholm for use as bait. The Danish provisions currently in force shall apply to plaice and dabs caught in the North Sea and landed on the Danish Coast between the Tversted Buoy and Hanstholm for direct transport abroad.
Art.6 Article 6.
Art.6.1x The contracting States undertake immediately to take the necessary measures to ensure the carrying out of the present Convention and to inform one another of the measures in question.
Conc.1 Done at Oslo in one copy, in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, the 6th day of September, 1937.
Conc.2 (L. S.) Henrik KAUFFMANN. (L. S.) Halvdan KOHT. (L. S.) Torvald HÖJER.
Conc.4 On signing this day the Convention concluded between Denmark, Norway and Sweden, concerning the preservation of plaice and dab in the Skagerrak, Kattegat and Sound, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, in the name of their respective Governments, have made the following declarations :
Conc.5 (I) The contracting States agree that the Convention shall not prevent any of these States from prohibiting the landing in the country of plaice and dabs of a larger size than the minimum fixed by the Convention.
Conc.6 (2) The contracting States think it desirable that greater protection should be given to fish in the Skagerrak, Kattegat and Sound, and they propose to carry out the necessary preliminary work for the purpose and have therefore further agreed to enter upon negotiations to that end as soon as may be found necessary, and at latest within three years of the coming into force of the present Convention.
Conc.7 Done at Oslo in one copy, in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, the 6th day of September, 1937.
Conc.8 Henrik KAUFFMANN. Halvdan KOHT. Torvald HÖJER.