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Paragraphs in "International Convention For The Campaign Against Contagious Diseases Of Animals " coded as NATBS

Label Provision
Art.2 Article 2
Art.2.0x The High Contracting Parties undertake to establish and maintain in their respective countries, where not already existing, an official veterinary health organisation to ensure the execution of the measures referred to in Article I. In principle, this official organisation should comprise:
Art.2.1 I) Government veterinary health service, the chief functions of which would be:
Art.2.1.a a) To supervise the places and establishments referred to in Article I for the purpose of ascertaining the outbreak and development of contagious diseases of animals;
Art.2.1.b b) To apply the measures concerning contagious diseases of animals, as well as measures for preventing and combating these diseases;
Art.2.1.c c) To inspect animals and animal products;
Art.2.1.d d) To issue certificates regarding the origin and health of animals and the origin and soundness of animal products;
Art.2.2 2) Teaching and research institutions for the training of the personnel of veterinary health services; scientific laboratories necessary for the satisfactory working of these services.
Art.3 Article 3
Art.3.0x The High Contracting Parties undertake to organise their respective veterinary health services on the principles specified hereinafter and recognise as essential for the proper organisation of a veterinary service:
Art.3.1 I) The Government veterinary health service should be under the authority of a chief veterinary officer directly, responsible to the competent Minister.
Art.3.2 2) The number and the duties of Government veterinary officers and of veterinary surgeons approved by the State for certain official duties should, regard being had to the extent of stock-breeding, the area of land under cultivation, and the volume of traffic, be such as to ensure effective and rapid veterinary supervision of the whole territory, which should be divided up into definite geographical sanitary districts, as well as of all the domestic animals.
Art.3.2.ax This veterinary health service should enable the State to determine the origin and, so far as scientific knowledge permits, the state of health of animals and the soundness of animal products intended for export. The personnel should be in proportion to the quantity of live-stock to be supervised.
Art.3.3 3) Government veterinary officers or veterinary surgeons approved for certain duties should hold a State diploma in veterinary medicine or a diploma recognised by the State.
Art.3.3.ax Only veterinary surgeons who are employed and paid by the State may be regarded as Government veterinary officers.
Art.3.3.bx In exceptional cases, other veterinary surgeons may be entrusted with certain duties provided that the State is responsible for any action they may take.
Art.3.4 4) Veterinary inspection at the frontier should be carried out only by Government veterinary officers or veterinary surgeons approved by the State for that purpose.
Art.3.5 5) a) In principle, the inspection of meat intended for sale and public consumption must be entrusted to approved veterinary surgeons placed under the supervision of the Government veterinary service.
Art.3.5.b b) Veterinary health inspection of meat and meat preparations intended for export must be carried out by Government veterinary officers or veterinary surgeons approved by the State for that purpose.