

Volume(s) 1-3; pages 2599-2600



Amendments to the Convention on the International Hydrographic Organisation, Monaco, 1987


Done at Monaco 5-15 May 1987

Not in force

Primary source citation: Copy of text provided by the U.S. Department of State



(TRANSLATION) LS NO. 130514 RHC French

Principality of Monaco

Foreign Relations Service Office of the Director

No. 3926

Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization Done at Monaco May 3, 1967

The Office of the Director of the Foreign Relations Service of the Principality of Monaco presents its compliments to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the States Party to the aforementioned Convention and has the honor to recall that, during the Thirteenth International Hydrographic Conference held at Monaco May 5-15, 1987, a proposed amendment to Article X(2) of the Convention was approved.

This proposal of amendment resulted from Decision No. 5 of the Conference, which reads as follows insofar as the Convention is concerned:

Article X(2) of the Convention

Delete the first sentence and replace it with the following text:

‘The Directing Committee shall be composed of three Directors, one the President and two other Directors, each of different nationality, elected by the Conference. The Conference shall first elect the President and then the other two Directors.’

Under the terms of Article XXI(2 and 3) of the Convention:

‘Proposals of amendment shall be considered by the Conference and decided upon by a majority of two thirds of the Member Governments represented at the Conference. When a proposed amendment has been approved by the Conference, the President of the Directing Committee shall request the Government of the Principality of Monaco to submit it to all Contracting Parties.

‘The amendment shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties three months after notifications of approval by two thirds of the Contracting Parties have been received by the Government of the Principality of Monaco. The latter shall inform the Contracting Parties and the President of the Directing Committee of the fact, specifying the date of entry into force of the amendment.’

In conformity with the provisions shown above, the Office of the Director of the Foreign Relations Service of the Principality of Monaco would be most obliged if the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the States Party to the Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization would notify it whether the proposal of amendment in question receives the approval of their Governments.

The Office of the Director avails itself of this opportunity to renew to them the assurances of its high consideration.

Monaco, May 6, 1988 [Initialed] [Office stamp]