

Volume(s) 1-3; pages 1380-1381



United Nations General Assembly Resolution 45/197 on Large-Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing and Its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas, New York, 1990


Done at New York 21 December 1990

Primary source citation: Copy of text provided by the United Nations


United Nations General Assembly Resolution 45/197 Passed by consensus: December 21, 1990

Large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing and its impact on the living marine resources of the world's oceans and seas

The General Assembly,

Recalling its resolution 44/225 concerning large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing and its impact on the living marine resources of the world's oceans and seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, which was adopted by consensus on December 22, 1989,

Also recalling in particular that the General Assembly recommended that all members of the international community agree to certain measures specified in the operative paragraphs of resolution 44/225,

Further recalling the relevant principles elaborated in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which are referred to in the seventh to tenth paragraphs of resolution 44/225,

Commending the unilateral, regional and international efforts that have been undertaken by members of the international community and international organizations to implement and support the objectives of resolution 44/225,

Noting that at the Twenty-first South Pacific Forum, held at Port Vila on 31 July and 1 August 1990, the Heads of Government reaffirmed their opposition to large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing, and noting also the resolution on large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing in the South Pacific region, adopted by the South Pacific Conference in Noumea, New Caledonia, on 31 October 1990,

Welcoming the decision of a Member State to suspend driftnet operations in the South Pacific one year in advance of the date of cessation stipulated by the General Assembly, and the decision of other Member states to cease or suspend driftnet fishing,

Noting the meeting of the Authority of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) at Castries, St. Lucia, in November 1989 which resolved, in its Declaration, to establish a regional regime for the regulation and management of the pelagic resources in the Lesser Antilles region that would outlaw the use of driftnets and called upon other States in the region to cooperate in this regard, and also the more recent developments in the wider Caribbean Community region,

Noting that there have been recent meetings related, inter alia, to the protection of fish and other living marine resources and the environment in the Mediterranean, including the meeting of the Nine Western Mediterranean Countries on Dialogue and Co-operation in the Western Mediterranean, held at Rome on 10 October 1990, and the meeting on the Mediterranean of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, held at Palma de Mallorca, Spain, from 24 September to 19 October 1990,

Noting also that the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission has concerned itself with large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing in the North Pacific Ocean, including the need to accumulate scientific knowledge, and has supported the full implementation of Assembly resolution 44/225,

Noting further that the International Whaling Commission, at its forty-second annual meeting, in July 1990, referred to the use of large-scale pelagic driftnets in many areas of the high seas, including important habitats for cetaceans encompassing feeding and breeding grounds and migratory pathways, and endorsed Assembly resolution 44/225,

Noting that, at its first session, the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development requested the Secretary-General of the Conference, inter alia, to prepare, for submission to the Preparatory Committee at its second session, a comprehensive report on the impact of large-scale harvesting, and new fishing technologies and fishing technologies incompatible with the sustainable management of living marine resources, taking into account Assembly resolution 44/225,

Noting with appreciation the contribution to the report of the Secretary-General made by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other appropriate organs, organizations, and programmes of the United Nations system and by various regional and sub-regional fisheries organizations, in response to the request of the Assembly in paragraph 6 of its resolution 44/225,

Also noting with appreciation the contribution to the report of the Secretary-General made voluntarily by some members of the international community, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations,

Noting that some members of the international community have initiated co-operative efforts to obtain statistically sound data on the impact of large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing,

Expressing deep concern about reports of attempts to expand large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean by one fishing entity, in disregard of paragraph 4 (c) of Assembly resolution 44/225,

Expressing concern about reports of reflagging of vessels by some private fishing interests, which is contrary to the spirit and content of resolution 44/225,

1. Takes note with interest of the report of the Secretary-General, and expresses its appreciation for his efforts;

2. Reaffirms its resolution 44/225, and calls for its full implementation by all members of the international community, in accordance with the measures and time-frame elaborated in paragraph 4 of that resolution concerning large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing on the high seas of all the world's oceans and seas, including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas;

3. Also reaffirms the importance of all members of the international community taking such measures as may be necessary to ensure compliance with paragraph 4 (c) of resolution 44/225;

4. Requests the specialized agencies and other appropriate organs, organizations, and programmes of the United Nations system, as well as the various global, regional, and subregional fishery organizations, to continue to study urgently large-scale pelagic driftnet fishing and its impact on living marine resources and to report their views to the Secretary-General, bearing in mind the dates set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of resolution 44/225;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of all members of the international community, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, and well-established scientific institutions with expertise in relation to living marine resources;

6. Also requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its forty-sixth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.