Literature Relevant to Various Lineages

The selections below are intended as starting points for research on a lineage. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • Literature included is primarily literature known to the Project Director that either analyzes the influence of agreements in the lineage (i.e., investigates "regime effectiveness") or provides useful background.
  • The literature referenced here is QUITE limited. I hope to include literature for more lineages over time and welcome suggestions. This is NOT intended as a comprehensive database of literature but simply as 5 to 10 places to start research.
  • Inclusion of articles in this database are not intended as endorsements of the views or arguments of the authors.
  • Know of literature that is not listed? Please suggest it.
Lineage Full Citation
North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Bryan, Kelly R. 1995. "Swimming upstream: trying to enforce the 1992 North Pacific Salmon Treaty." Cornell International Law Journal 28:241-63.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

DeReynier, Yvonne L. 1998. "Evolving principles of international fisheries law and the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission." Ocean Development & International Law 29 (2):147-78.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Irvine, J. R., and M. Fukuwaka. 2011. "Pacific salmon abundance trends and climate change." ICES Journal of Marine Science 68:1122-30.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Knapp, Gunnar, Cathy A. Roheim, and James L. Anderson. 2007a. "Effect of farmed salmon on wild salmon prices." In The great salmon run: competition between wild and farmed salmon, ed. TRAFFIC. Washington, DC: TRAFFIC.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Marsh, James Barney. 1997. "North pacific fisheries environment: international issues." Contemporary Economic Policy 15 (2):44.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Micklin, Phillip P. 1988. "Dessication of the Aral Sea: A Water Management Disaster in the Soviet Union." Science 241 (4870):1170-6.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Peterson, M.J. 1993. "International fisheries management." In Institutions for the earth: sources of effective international environmental protection, ed. P. Haas, R. O. Keohane and M. Levy. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.249-308.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Riddle, Kevin. 2006. "Illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing: is international cooperation contagious." Ocean Development & International Law 37 (3-4):265-97.

North Pacific Ocean Fisheries

Young, Oran R. 1979. Compliance and public authority : a theory with international applications. Baltimore: Published for Resources for the Future by the Johns Hopkins University Press.