Wide 4613

Membership Information for: Amended Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean (formerly The Eastern African Region)

Signed: 2010-03-31; Entered into force: 2599-01-01; Terminated:
Source for membership data: http://www.unep.org/NairobiConvention/The_Convention/Contracting_Parties/index.a…
Date of last download from source: 2016-10-15
This is the IEADB's most current data on signature, ratification, entry into force, and other membership actions. The IEADB updates this data approximately once a year and tries to ensure it is current and accurate. For the most current data, visit the UNEP Regional Coordinating Unit for the Eastern African Action Plan (EAF/RCU) website. For inaccuracies, please notify the Project Director.
Members (agreement in force)000000000000000
Members (agreement in force)000000000000000

Membership status is coded as follows:

  • Countries listed are those that have signed and/or ratified the IEA in question.
  • Legend:
    • 0 (pink): Signer: country signed but did not ratify IEA. Status is 0 for all countries until IEA enters into force.
    • 1 (yellow): Ratifier: country signed and ratified IEA but IEA had not entered into force. Status is 1 for countries that have ratified until IEA enters into force.
    • 2 (green):Member: country signed and ratified IEA and IEA has entered into force for that country.
    • Ratifier row is count of states that have ratified.
    • Membership row is count (not sum) of members.
  • If membership data source lacks entry into force date, membership is inferred from year of ratification, if that year occurs after entry into force year of IEA.
  • Status can return to 0 if an IEA is terminated or if a country withdraws. In rare cases, countries later re-join IEAs, with their status returning to 2.
  • Action tab: membership by Action, Country, Year, Month, Day.
  • Wide tab: Annual status data (countries as rows, years as columns).
  • Long tab: Annual status data in Stata format (Country, Year, Membership Status).