All codes assigned to: Convention On The Conduct Of Fishing Operations In The North Atlantic

Provision First Coders Codes Second Coders Codes
Src.1 Source: Unofficial Text - SRC SRC
Pre.1 The Governments of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, the Polish People's Republic, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, DESC GOAL GOAL
Pre.2 Desiring to ensure good order and conduct on the fishing grounds in the North Atlantic area;
Pre.3 Have agreed as follows:
Art.1.1 (1) The present Convention applies to the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and their dependent seas which are more specifically defined in Annex I to this Convention. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.1.2 (2) In this Convention "fishing vessel" means any vessel engaged in the business of catching fish;
Art.1.2.bx "vessel" means any fishing vessel and any vessel engaged in the business of processing fish or providing supplies or services to fishing vessels.
Art.2 Article 2
Art.2.1x Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to affect the rights, claims or views of any Contracting Party in regard to the limits of territorial waters or national fishery limits, or of the jurisdiction of a coastal State over fisheries. SOVR SOVR
Art.3 Article 3 SUBS NATBF SUBS
Art.3.1 (1) The fishing vessels of each Contracting Party shall be registered and marked in accordance with the regulations of that Party in order to ensure their identification at sea.
Art.3.2 (2) The competent authority of each Contracting Party shall specify one or more letters and a series of numbers for each port or district.
Art.3.3 (3) Each Contracting Party shall draw up a list showing these letters.
Art.3.4 (4) This list, and all modifications which may subsequently be made in it, shall be notified to the other Contracting Parties. INFO INFO
Art.3.5 (5) The provisions of Annex II to this Convention shall apply to fishing vessels and their small boats and fishing implements. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.4 Article 4 SUBS IMPL
Art.4.1 (1) In addition to complying with the rules relating to signals as prescribed in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, the fishing vessels of each Contracting Party shall comply with the provisions of Annex III to this Convention. ATTACH RELA RELA ATTACH
Art.4.2 (2) No other additional light and sound signals than those provided in the Annex shall be used. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.5 Article 5 SUBS IMPL
Art.5.1x Nets, lines and other gear anchored in the sea and nets or lines which drift in the sea shall be marked in order to indicate their position and extent. The marking shall be in accordance with the provisions of Annex IV to this Convention. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.6.1 (1) Subject to compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea all vessels shall conduct their operations so as not to interfere with the operations of fishing vessels or fishing gear and shall conform to the provisions of Annex V to this Convention. RELA ATTACH RELA ATTACH
Art.6.2 (2) For the better implementation of these provisions the competent authorities of Contracting Parties may at their discretion notify the competent authorities of other Contracting Parties likely to be concerned of concentrations or probable concentrations known to them of fishing vessels or fishing gear, and Contracting Parties receiving such notification shall take such steps as are practicable to inform their vessels thereof. The authorised officers appointed in accordance with Article 9 of this Convention may also draw the attention of vessels to fishing gear placed in the sea INFO INFO
Art.7.1 (1) In any dispute that arises between the nationals of different Contracting Parties concerning damaged gear or damage to vessels resulting from entanglement of gear, the following procedure will apply in the absence of agreement among the Contracting Parties concerning the resolution of such disputes: At the request of the Contracting Party of a complainant each Contracting Party concerned will appoint a review board or other appropriate authority for handling the claim. These boards or other authorities will examine the facts and endeavour to bring about a settlement.
Art.7.2 (2) These arrangements are without prejudice to the rights of complainants to prosecute their claims by way of ordinary legal procedure. SOVR SOVR
Art.8.1 (1) Each Contracting Party undertakes to take such measures as may be appropriate to implement and enforce the provisions of this Convention with respect to its vessels and gear.
Art.8.2 (2) Within the area where a coastal State has jurisdiction over fisheries, the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of this Convention shall be the responsibility of the coastal State.
Art.8.3 (3) Within that area the coastal State may make special rules and exemptions from any of the Rules in Annexes II to V to this Convention for vessels or gear which by reason of their size or type operate or are set only in coastal waters, provided that there shall be no discrimination in form or in fact against vessels of other Contracting Parties entitled to fish in those waters. Before making special rules and exemptions under this paragraph in respect of areas in which foreign fishing vessels operate a Contracting Party shall inform the Contracting Parties concerned of their intentions and consult them if they so wish. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.9.1 (1) To facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the Convention the arrangements set out in this Article and in Annex VI to this Convention shall apply outside national fishery limits. ATTACH ATTACH
Art.9.2 (2) Authorised officers means officers who may be appointed by the Contracting Parties for the purpose of these arrangements.
Art.9.3 (3) Any Contracting Party shall, upon the request of another Contracting Party, notify the latter of the names of the authorised officers who have been appointed or of the ships in which such officers are carried.
Art.9.4 (4) Authorised officers shall observe whether the provisions of the Convention are being carried out, enquire and report on infringements of the provisions of the Convention, seek information in cases of damage, where desirable draw the attention of vessels of Contracting Parties to the provisions of the Convention, and shall co-operate for these purposes with the authorised officers of other Contracting Parties.
Art.9.5 (5) If an authorised officer has reason to believe that a vessel of any Contracting Party is not complying with the provisions of the Convention, he may identify the vessel, seek to obtain the necessary information from the vessel and report. If the matter is sufficiently serious, he may order the vessel to stop and, if it is necessary in order to verify the facts of the case, he may board the vessel for enquiry and report.
Art.9.6 (6) If an authorised officer has reason to believe that a vessel or its gear has caused damage to a vessel or fishing gear and that this may be due to a breach of the Convention, he may, under the same conditions as in the preceding paragraph, order any vessel concerned to stop and board it for enquiry and report.
Art.9.7 (7) An authorised officer shall not order a fishing vessel to stop while it is actually fishing or engaged in shooting or hauling gear except in an emergency to avoid damage to vessels or gear.
Art.9.8 (8) An authorised officer shall not pursue his enquiries further than is necessary to satisfy him either that there has been no breach of the Convention, or, where it appears to him that a breach has occurred, to secure information about the relevant facts, always acting in such a manner that vessels suffer the minimum interference and inconvenience.
Art.9.9 (9) An authorised officer may, in case of damage to a vessel or fishing gear, offer to conciliate at sea, and if the parties concerned agree to this, assist them in reaching a settlement. At the request of the parties concerned the authorised officer shall draw up a protocol recording the settlement reached.
Art.9.10 (10) Resistance by a vessel to the directions of an authorised officer shall be deemed as resistance to the authority of the flag State of that vessel.
Art.9.11 (11) The Contracting Parties shall consider and act on reports of foreign authorised officers under these arrangements on the same basis as reports or national officers. The provisions of this paragraph shall not impose any obligation on a Contracting Party to give the report of a foreign authorised officer a higher evidential value than it would possess in the authorised officer's own country. Contracting Parties shall collaborate in order to facilitate judicial or other proceedings arising from a report of an authorised officer under this Convention.
Art.9.12 (12) An authorised officer shall not exercise his powers to board a vessel of another Contracting Party if an authorised officer of that Contracting Party is available and in a position to do so himself.