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Paragraphs in "Convention For Cooperation In The Protection And Sustainable Development Of The Marine And Coastal Environment Of The Northeast Pacific" coded as SOVR

Label Provision
Art.2.2 2. No provision of this Convention or its protocols shall be considered as affecting the rights, present or future claims or legal opinions of any Contracting Party relating to the boundaries of its maritime areas or maritime jurisdiction. No Party shall be entitled to call upon the norms and conduct agreed as generating rights or precedents.
Art.4.1x The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the rights and obligations that the Contracting Parties may have assumed pursuant to special Conventions and accords that they may have concluded in respect of the protection of the marine and coastal environment of the region.
Art.10.5 5. The Contracting Parties shall adopt appropriate measures to protect and preserve rare or vulnerable ecosystems in the area within the scope of this Convention, as well as the habitats of species with low populations or that are threatened or endangered. To this end, the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to establish protected areas. The establishment of such areas shall not affect the rights of the other Contracting Parties or of third party States. In addition, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information regarding the administration and management of such areas.