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Paragraphs in "Agreement On The Conservation Of Albatrosses And Petrels" coded as SUBS

Label Provision
Art.2.1 1. The objective of this Agreement is to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for albatrosses and petrels.
Art.2.2 2. The Parties shall take measures, both individually and together, to achieve this objective.
Art.2.3 3. In implementing such measures the Parties shall widely apply the precautionary approach. In particular, where there are threats of serious or irreversible adverse impacts or damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing measures to enhance the conservation status of albatrosses and petrels.
Art.3.1 1. In furtherance of their obligation to take measures to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for albatrosses and petrels, the Parties, having regard to Article XIII, shall:
Art.3.1.a a) conserve and, where feasible and appropriate, restore those habitats which are of importance to albatrosses and petrels;
Art.3.1.b b) eliminate or control non-native species detrimental to albatrosses and petrels;
Art.3.1.c c) develop and implement measures to prevent, remove, minimize or mitigate the adverse effects of activities that may influence the conservation status of albatrosses and petrels;
Art.3.1.d d) initiate or support research into the effective conservation of albatrosses and petrels;
Art.3.1.e e) ensure the existence and appropriateness of training for, inter alia, the implementation of conservation measures;
Art.3.1.f f) develop and maintain programmes to raise awareness and understanding of albatross and petrel conservation issues;
Art.3.1.g g) exchange information and results from albatross and petrel, and other relevant, conservation programmes; and
Art.3.1.h h) support the implementation of the actions elaborated in the FAO International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries which complement the objectives of this Agreement.
Art.3.2 2. The Parties shall, subject to paragraphs 3 to 5 of this Article, prohibit the deliberate taking of, or harmful interference with, albatrosses and petrels, their eggs, or their breeding sites.
Art.3.3 3. Parties may grant an exemption to the prohibitions in paragraph 2 of this Article, but only if there is no other satisfactory course of action and the exemption is made for one of the following purposes:
Art.3.3.a a) to enhance the propagation, re-establishment or survival of albatrosses or petrels;
Art.3.3.b b) on a selective basis and to a limited extent for scientific, educational or similar purposes;
Art.3.3.c c) to accommodate the traditional needs and practices of indigenous peoples; or
Art.3.3.d d) in other exceptional circumstances, in which case, unless an exceptional circumstance is of the nature of a short-term emergency, a prior environmental impact assessment shall be carried out and made publicly available in accordance with requirements in the Action Plan established by Article VI.
Art.3.4 4. Any exemption under paragraph 3 of this Article, shall be precise, and limited in space and time, and shall not operate to the detriment of the conservation status of albatrosses or petrels. Any Parties granting such exemptions shall, as soon as possible, submit full details of them to the Secretariat.
Art.3.5 5. Humane killing, by duly authorised persons, to end the suffering of seriously injured or moribund albatrosses or petrels shall not constitute deliberate taking or harmful interference.
Art.3.6 6. In furtherance of their obligation to take measures to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for albatrosses or petrels, the Parties shall progressively implement the Action Plan.
Art.5.1x The Parties shall cooperate, having regard to the Action Plan, to:
Art.5.1x.a a) develop systems for collecting and analysing data, and exchanging information;
Art.5.1x.b b) exchange information regarding adoption and enforcement of legislative and other management approaches to conservation of albatrosses and petrels;
Art.5.1x.c c) implement education and awareness programmes for users of areas where albatrosses and petrels may be encountered;
Art.5.1x.d d) design and implement comprehensive programmes for public information in relation to the conservation of albatrosses and petrels;
Art.5.1x.e e) develop and implement training programmes on conservation techniques and measures to mitigate threats affecting albatrosses and petrels; and
Art.5.1x.f f) undertake exchange of expertise, techniques and knowledge.
Art.6.1 1. Annex 2 of this Agreement shall have effect as an Action Plan for the achievement and maintenance of a favourable conservation status for albatrosses and petrels.
Art.6.2 2. With due consideration to the capabilities of Parties to implement such actions, and with specific reference to Article IV, the Action Plan shall at all times set out the actions that the Parties shall progressively undertake in relation to albatrosses and petrels, consistent with the general conservation measures specified in Article III, including:
Art.6.2.a a) species conservation;
Art.6.2.b b) habitat conservation and restoration;
Art.6.2.c c) management of human activities;
Art.6.2.d d) research and monitoring;
Art.6.2.e e) collation of information;
Art.6.2.f f) education and public awareness; and
Art.6.2.g g) implementation.
Art.6.3 3. Progress in implementing the Action Plan shall be assessed at each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties and the content of the Action Plan reviewed in light of that assessment.
Art.6.4 4. The Meeting of Parties shall consider any proposed amendment to the Action Plan in the light of the provisions of Article III before deciding on its adoption in accordance with Article XII.
Art.7.1 1. Each Party shall:
Art.7.1.a a) designate an Authority or Authorities to undertake, monitor and control all activities carried on with a view to the supervision, application and enforcement of this Agreement. Such Authority or Authorities shall, inter alia, monitor all activities that may have an impact on the conservation status of those albatross and petrel species for which the Party is a Range State;
Art.7.1.b b) designate a Contact Point and communicate without delay its name and address to the Secretariat to be circulated forthwith to the other Parties; and
Art.7.1.c c) in relation to each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties, beginning with the second session, provide information through the Secretariat to the Advisory Committee so that it may prepare a synthesised report on the implementation of the Agreement, with particular reference to the conservation measures undertaken, in accordance with Article IX (6)
Art.7.1.d d). Such an Authority or Authorities and Contact Point shall be the central Government Ministry or agency, as the case may be, responsible for the administration of this Agreement.
Art.7.2.a 2. a) Decisions relating to the budget and any scale of contributions shall be adopted by the Meeting of the Parties by consensus, having regard to the differing resources of the different Parties.
Art.7.2.b b) If consensus cannot be reached, the previously approved budget shall continue to apply until superseded by a new, agreed budget.
Art.7.2.c c) Following the accession of any new Party, the Meeting of the Parties shall, at its next session, review and replace the scale of contributions unless it agrees such review and replacement to be inappropriate.
Art.7.3 3. The Meeting of the Parties may establish a fund from voluntary contributions of Parties or from any other source for the purpose of work relating to the conservation of albatrosses and petrels, including monitoring, research, technical development, training, education and habitat management. No surcharge shall be levied on such voluntary contributions or on such a fund to meet administrative overheads of the Secretariat or any organisation providing services to it.
Art.7.4 4. The Parties shall, in support of their obligations under Article IV, endeavour to provide training, technical and financial support to other Parties on a multilateral or bilateral basis to assist them in implementing the provisions of this Agreement. No surcharge shall be levied on the costs of such training, technical or financial support to meet administrative overheads of the Secretariat or any organisation providing services to it.
Art.7.5 5. A fund may be used to meet expenses related to the participation of Party representatives in sessions of the Meeting of the Parties and the Advisory Committee. This shall not preclude such expenses being met by other arrangements, bilateral or otherwise.
Art.11.1 1. The Parties shall promote the objectives of this Agreement and develop and maintain coordinated and complementary working relationships with all relevant international, regional and sub-regional bodies, including those concerned with the conservation and management of seabirds and their habitats and other marine living resources, particularly with the Commission of CCAMLR and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, particularly in the context of the International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries.
Art.11.2 2. The Secretariat shall consult and cooperate, where appropriate, with:
Art.11.2.a a) the Convention Secretariat, and the bodies responsible for secretariat functions under Agreements concluded pursuant to Article IV (3) and (4), of the Convention, that are relevant to albatrosses and petrels;
Art.11.2.b b) the secretariats of other relevant conventions and international instruments in respect of matters of common interest; and
Art.11.2.c c) other organisations or institutions with competence in the field of conservation of albatrosses and petrels and their habitats, as well as in the fields of research, education and awareness raising, including the Committee for Environmental Protection established under the Protocol for Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.
Art.11.3 3. The Secretariat may enter into arrangements, with the approval of the Meeting of Parties, with other organisations and institutions as may be appropriate.
Art.11.4 4. The Secretariat shall consult and cooperate with these bodies in exchanging information and data, and may, with the consent of the Chair of the Advisory Committee, invite these bodies to send observers to relevant meetings.