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Paragraphs in "Agreement For The Establishment Of A Commission For Controlling The Desert Locust In The Western Region" coded as HOBS

Label Provision
Art.1.1x The Contracting Parties hereby establish, within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization" or "FAO") and under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution, a commission to be known as the "Desert Locust Control Commission for the Western Region" (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission" or the "DLCCWR").
Art.2.1x The purpose of the Commission is to promote, at national, regional and international level, action, research and training to ensure the preventive control of and appropriate response to the invasions of the desert locust in the western region of its distribution area, encompassing West Africa and North-West Africa.
Art.4.1 1. The Commission shall decide the location of its seat. The agreement on the seat concluded between the Director-General of FAO and the government concerned shall be submitted to the Commission for approval.
Art.4.2 2. In agreement with the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa and the Government of Algeria, the Commission shall benefit from the expertise and, as appropriate, the property and assets of the CCDLNWA.
Art.5.1 1. The Members of the Commission shall be those Member Nations of the Organization that constitute the Region defined under Article III that accept this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII below.
Art.5.2 2. The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its Members, admit to membership such other Member Nation of the Organization or such other State belonging to the United Nations, to one of its Specialized Agencies or to the International Atomic Energy Agency that has submitted an application to this effect together with an instrument declaring acceptance of the Agreement as in force at the time of admission.
Art.7.1x The functions of the Commission shall be as follows:
Art.7.1 1. Joint Action and Assistance
Art.7.1.0x The Commission shall:
Art.7.1.a (a) promote, in any manner that it considers appropriate, any national, regional or international action relating to the survey and control of the desert locust and to research activities to be conducted in the Region;
Art.7.1.b (b) organize and promote joint action for the survey and control of the desert locust in the Region whenever this is deemed necessary and, to this end, arrange for the necessary resources to be made available;
Art.7.1.c (c) determine, in consultation with the Members concerned, the nature and extent of the assistance they need to implement their national programmes and to support the regional programmes; more specifically, the Commission will help the Nations to formulate and implement contingency action plans;
Art.7.1.d (d) assist, at the request of any Member facing a desert locust situation beyond the capacity of its control and survey services, in any measure jointly decided to be necessary;
Art.7.1.e (e) maintain at strategic points determined by the Commission, in consultation with the Members concerned, reserves of equipment and supplies for desert locust control, to be used in cases of emergency and to serve in particular to supplement the resources of any Member.
Art.7.2 2. Information and coordination
Art.7.2.0x The Commission shall:
Art.7.2.a (a) communicate regularly to all the Member Nations updated information on the development of locust situations, research conducted, results obtained and programmes implemented at national, regional and international level in connection with desert locust control. The Commission shall take special care to ensure that an effective communication network is established among the Member Nations, and with the International Desert Locust Information Service at FAO, in Rome, so that all parties may promptly receive any information requested;
Art.7.2.b (b) support national locust research institutions and coordinate and develop research programmes in the Region;
Art.7.2.c (c) encourage and coordinate joint survey programmes in the Region.
Art.7.3 3. Cooperation
Art.7.3.0x The Commission may:
Art.7.3.a (a) enter into arrangements or agreements with Nations that are not Members of the Commission, with national institutions and with regional or international organizations that are directly concerned for common action in connection with the survey, research and control of locusts in the Region;
Art.7.3.b (b) enter into or encourage arrangements, through the Director-General of the Organization, with other Specialized Agencies of the United Nations system for common action on the study of locusts and desert locust control and for the mutual exchange of locust-related information.
Art.7.4 4. Functioning
Art.7.4.0x The Commission shall:
Art.7.4.a (a) adopt its own Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations, in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII(3) and (7), and any other standing regulations it considers necessary for the performance of its functions;
Art.7.4.b (b) examine and approve the report of the Executive Committee on the activities of the Commission and adopt its programme of work and its autonomous budget, and the accounts of the previous financial period;
Art.7.4.c (c) forward to the Director-General of the Organization (hereinafter "the Director-General") reports on its activities, programme, accounts and autonomous budget, and on any matter likely to require action on the part of the Council or Conference of FAO;
Art.7.4.d (d) create any working groups it considers necessary for implementation of this Agreement.
Art.8.1 1. Each Member shall be represented at the sessions of the Commission by a single delegate, who may be accompanied by an alternate, experts and advisers. The alternates, experts and advisers may take part in the proceedings of the Commission but may only vote if duly authorized by the delegate.
Art.8.2 2. Each Member of the Commission shall have one vote. The decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement. A majority of the Members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.
Art.8.3 3. The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its Members, adopt and amend its own Rules of Procedure, which shall be consistent with this Agreement and with the FAO Constitution. The Rules of Procedure and any amendment thereto shall come into force upon their adoption by the Commission.
Art.8.4 4. In accordance with the provisions of Article XIV (6) of this Agreement, any Member with arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the Commission equal to or exceeding the amount of the contributions due from it for the two preceding financial years shall lose its right to vote.
Art.8.5 5. The Commission shall elect, at the beginning of each regular session, a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from amongst the delegates. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall hold office until the beginning of the next regular session, and shall be eligible for re-election.
Art.8.6 6. The Chairperson shall convene a regular session of the Commission every two years. Special sessions of the Commission may be convened by the Chairperson if so requested by the Commission in regular session, by the Executive Committee or by at least one third of the Members during intervals between two regular sessions.
Art.8.7 7. The Commission may adopt and amend, by a two-thirds majority vote, its Financial Regulations which shall be consistent with the principles laid down in the Financial Regulations of FAO. The Financial Regulations and amendments thereto shall be communicated to the Finance Committee of the Organization which shall have the power to disallow them on the grounds of incompatibility with the principles set out in the Financial Regulations of FAO.
Art.8.8 8. The Director-General, or a representative designated by the Director-General, shall participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the Commission and the Executive Committee.
Art.8.9 9. The Commission may invite consultants and experts to participate in its proceedings.
Art.10.1 1. The Member Nations and the Associate Members of the Organization that are not members of the Commission may, upon their request, be invited to be represented by an observer at the sessions of the Commission. The observer may present memoranda and participate, without the right to vote, in the proceedings of the Commission.
Art.10.2 2. Nations which, without being Members of the Commission or Members or Associate Members of the Organization, are Members of the United Nations, of any of its Specialized Agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency may be invited to attend sessions of the Commission as observers, upon their request and subject to the concurrence of the Executive Committee and to the provisions relating to the granting of observer status to Nations adopted by the Conference of FAO.
Art.10.3 3. The Commission may invite intergovernmental organizations and, at their request, non-governmental organizations with specific expertise in its area of activity to attend its sessions.