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Paragraphs in "Agreement For The Establishment Of The Regional Commission For Fisheries" coded as HOBS

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Art.1 Article I: The Commission
Art.1.1 1. The Contracting Parties hereby establish within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as "the Organization") a Commission to be known as "The Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI)" (hereinafter referred to as "RECOFI" or "the Commission"), for the purpose of exercising the functions and discharging the responsibilities set forth in Article III below.
Art.1.2 2. Membership in RECOFI shall be open to Members and Associate Members of the Organization and such non-member States of the Organization as are Members of the United Nations, or any of its Specialized Agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency that are coastal States or Associate Members which territories are situated wholly or partly within the Area defined in Article IV, that accept this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII.
Art.1.3 3. As regards Associate Members, this Agreement shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV-5 of the FAO Constitution and Rule XXI-3 of the General Rules of the Organization, be submitted by the Organization to the authority having responsibility for the international relations of such Associate Members.
Art.2 Article II: Organization
Art.2.1 1. Each Member shall be represented at sessions of the Commission by one delegate, who may be accompanied by an alternate and by experts and advisers. Participation in meetings of the Commission by alternates, experts, and advisers shall not entail the right to vote, except in the case of an alternate who is acting in the place of a delegate during his absence.
Art.2.2 2. Each Member shall have one vote. Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, except as otherwise provided by this Agreement. A majority of the total membership of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.
Art.2.3 3. The Commission shall elect a Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons.
Art.2.4 4. The Chairperson of the Commission shall normally convene a regular session of the Commission every year unless otherwise directed by a majority of the Members. The site and date of all sessions shall be determined by the Commission in consultation with the Director-General of the Organization.
Art.2.5 5. The seat of RECOFI shall be at the seat of the FAO Regional Office for the Near East in Cairo. However, RECOFI, after consultation with the Director-General of the Organization, may decide to choose, at its own expense, another location within the Area.
Art.2.6 6. The Organization shall provide the Secretariat of the Commission and the Director-General shall appoint its Secretary, who shall be administratively responsible to him.
Art.2.7 7. The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its membership, adopt and amend its own Rules of Procedure provided that such Rules of Procedure or the amendments thereto are not inconsistent with this Agreement or with the Constitution of the Organization.
Art.2.8 8. The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its membership, adopt and amend its own Financial Regulations, provided that such Regulations shall be consistent with the principles embodied in the Financial Regulations of the Organization. Such Regulations shall be reported to the Finance Committee of the Organization which shall have the power to disallow such Financial Regulations or amendment if it finds that they are inconsistent with the principles embodied in the Financial Regulations of the Organization.
Art.5 Article V: Recommendations on Management Measures
Art.5.1 1. The recommendations referred to in Article III, paragraph 1 b), shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Members of the Commission present and voting. The text of such recommendations shall be communicated by the Chairperson of the Commission to each Member.
Art.5.2 2. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Members of the Commission undertake to give effect to any recommendations made by the Commission under Article III, paragraph 1b), from the date determined by the Commission, which shall not be before the period for objection provided for in this Article has elapsed.
Art.5.3 3. Any Member of the Commission may within one hundred and twenty days from the date of notification of a recommendation object to it and in that event shall not be under obligation to give effect to that recommendation. A Member may at any time withdraw its objection and give effect to a recommendation.
Art.5.4 4. The Chairperson of the Commission shall notify each Member immediately upon receipt of each objection or withdrawal of objection.
Art.7 Article VII: Committees, Working Groups and Specialists
Art.7.1 1. The Commission may establish temporary, special or standing committees to study and report on matters pertaining to the purposes of the Commission and working groups to study and recommend on specific technical problems.
Art.7.2 2. The committees and working groups referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Commission at such times and places as are determined by the Chairperson in consultation with the Director-General of the Organization, as appropriate.
Art.7.3 3. The establishment of committees and working groups referred to in paragraph 1 above and the recruitment or appointment of specialists shall be subject to the availability of the necessary funds in the relevant chapter of the approved budget of the Commission. Before taking any decision involving expenditures in connection with the establishment of committees and working groups and the recruitment or appointment of specialists, the Commission shall have before it a report from the Secretary of the Commission on the administrative and financial implications thereof.
Art.8 Article VIII: Cooperation with International Organizations
Art.8.1x The Commission shall cooperate closely with other international organizations in matters of mutual interest. On the proposal of the Secretary of the Commission, observers of these organizations may be invited by the Commission to attend sessions of the Commission or meetings of the committees or working groups.
Art.9 Article IX: Finances
Art.9.1 1. Each Member of the Commission undertakes to pay annually its share of the budget for cooperative activities, in accordance with a scale of contributions to be adopted by the Commission.
Art.9.2 2. At each regular session, the Commission shall adopt its budget by consensus of its Members, provided however that if, after every effort has been made, a consensus cannot be reached in the course of that session, the matter will be put to a vote and the budget shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of its Members.
Art.9.3.a 3.(a) The amount of the contribution of each Member of the Commission shall be determined in accordance with a scheme which the Commission shall adopt and amend by consensus.
Art.9.3.b (b) The scheme adopted or amended by the Commission shall be set out in the Financial Regulations of the Commission.
Art.9.4 4. Contributions shall be payable in freely convertible currencies unless otherwise determined by the Commission with the concurrence of the Director-General of the Organization.
Art.9.5 5. The Commission may also accept donations and other forms of assistance from organizations, individuals and other sources for purposes connected with the fulfilment of any of its functions.
Art.9.6 6. Contributions and donations and other forms of assistance received shall be placed in a Trust Fund administered by the Director-General of the Organization in conformity with the Financial Regulations of the Organization.
Art.9.7 7. A Member of the Commission which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the Commission shall have no vote in the Commission if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the two preceding calendar years. The Commission may, nevertheless, permit such a Member to vote if it is satisfied that the failure to pay was due to conditions beyond the control of the Member but in no case shall it extend the right to vote beyond a further two calendar years.
Art.15 Article XV: Withdrawal
Art.15.1 1. Any Member may withdraw from this Agreement at any time after the expiration of two years from the date upon which the Agreement entered into force with respect to that Member, by giving written notice of such withdrawal to the Director-General of the Organization who shall immediately inform all the Members of the Commission and the Members of the Organization of such withdrawal. Notice of withdrawal shall become effective three months from the date of its receipt by the Director-General of the Organization.
Art.15.2 2. Any Member of the Commission that gives notice of withdrawal from the Organization shall be deemed to have simultaneously withdrawn from the Commission.