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Paragraphs in "Agreement On The International Dolphin Conservation Program" coded as REVW

Label Provision
Art.5 Article V International Dolphin Conservation Program
Art.5.0x Pursuant to the International Dolphin Conservation Program and in consideration of the objective of this Agreement, the Parties shall, inter alia:
Art.5.1 1. Limit total incidental dolphin mortality in the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area to no more than 5,000 annually, through the adoption and implementation of relevant measures, which shall include:
Art.5.1.a a. The establishment of a system that provides incentives to vessel captains to continue to reduce incidental dolphin mortality, with the goal of eliminating dolphin mortality in this fishery;
Art.5.1.b b. The establishment within the framework of the IATTC of a system of technical training and certification for fishing captains and crews on the gear and its use, as well as the techniques for the rescue and safety of dolphins;
Art.5.1.c c. Within the framework of the IATTC, the promotion and support of research to improve gear, equipment, and fishing techniques, including those used in the fishery for tunas associated with dolphins;
Art.5.1.d d. The establishment of an equitable system for the assignment of dolphin mortality limits (DMLs), consistent with the per-year dolphin mortality caps, in accordance with Annexes III and IV;
Art.5.1.e e. Requiring their respective vessels that have been assigned a DML, or that otherwise operate in the Agreement Area, to comply with the operational requirements set forth in Annex VIII;
Art.5.1.f f. The establishment of a system for the tracking and verification of tuna harvested with and without mortality or serious injury of dolphins, based on the elements set forth in Annex IX;
Art.5.1.g g. The exchange of scientific research data collected by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement on a full and timely basis; and
Art.5.1.h h. The conduct of research for the purpose of seeking ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins;
Art.5.2 2. Establish per-stock per-year dolphin mortality caps, and review and assess the effects of these caps, in accordance with Annex III; and
Art.5.3 3.Review the measures at a Meeting of the Parties.
Art.11 Article XI National Scientific Advisory Committees
Art.11.1 1. Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and procedures, establish a National Scientific Advisory Committee (NATSAC) of qualified experts, operating in their individual capacities, from the public and private sectors, and from non-governmental organizations including, inter alia, qualified scientists.
Art.11.2 2. The functions of the NATSACs shall be, inter alia, those set forth in Annex VI.
Art.11.3 3. The Parties shall ensure that the NATSACs shall cooperate through regular and timely meetings in the review of data and the status of stocks, and in the development of advice for achieving the objectives of this Agreement. Such meetings shall take place at least once a year in conjunction with an ordinary Meeting of the Parties.