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Paragraphs in "Inter-American Convention For The Protection And Conservation Of Sea Turtles" coded as SBF

Label Provision
Art.4.1 1. Each Party shall take appropriate and necessary measures, in accordance with international law and on the basis of the best available scientific evidence, for the protection, conservation and recovery of sea turtle populations and their habitats:
Art.4.1.a a. In its land territory and in maritime areas with respect to which it exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction included within the Convention Area; and
Art.4.1.b b. Notwithstanding ARTICLE III, with respect to vessels on the high seas that are authorized to fly its flag.
Art.4.2 2. Such measures shall include:
Art.4.2.a a. The prohibition of the intentional capture, retention or killing of, and domestic trade in, sea turtles, their eggs, parts or products;
Art.4.2.b b. Compliance with the obligations established under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) relating to sea turtles, their eggs, parts or products;
Art.4.2.c c. To the extent practicable, the restriction of human activities that could seriously affect sea turtles, especially during the periods of reproduction, nesting and migration;
Art.4.2.d d. The protection, conservation and, if necessary, the restoration of sea turtle habitats and nesting areas, as well as the establishment of necessary restrictions on the use of such zones, including the designation of protected areas, as provided in Annex II;
Art.4.2.e e. The promotion of scientific research relating to sea turtles and their habitats, as well as to other relevant matters that will provide reliable information useful for the adoption of the measures referred to in this Article;
Art.4.2.f f. The promotion of efforts to enhance sea turtle populations, including research into the experimental reproduction, raising and reintroduction of sea turtles into their habitats in order to determine the feasibility of these practices to increase populations, without putting sea turtles at risk;
Art.4.2.g g. The promotion of environmental education and dissemination of information in an effort to encourage the participation of government institutions, nongovernmental organizations and the general public of each State, especially those communities that are involved in the protection, conservation and recovery of sea turtle populations and their habitats;
Art.4.2.h h. The reduction, to the greatest extent practicable, of the incidental capture, retention, harm or mortality of sea turtles in the course of fishing activities, through the appropriate regulation of such activities, as well as the development, improvement and use of appropriate gear, devices or techniques, including the use of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) pursuant to the provisions of Annex III, and the corresponding training, in keeping with the principle of the sustainable use of fisheries resources; and
Art.4.2.i i. Any other measure, in accordance with international law, which the Parties deem appropriate to achieve the objective of this Convention.
Art.4.3 3. With respect to such measures:
Art.4.3.a a. Each Party may allow exceptions to Paragraph 2(a) to satisfy economic subsistence needs of traditional communities, taking into account the recommendations of the Consultative Committee established pursuant to Article VII, provided that such exceptions do not undermine efforts to achieve the objective of this Convention. In making its recommendations, the Consultative Committee shall consider, inter alia, the status of the sea turtle populations in question, the views of any Party regarding such populations, impacts on such populations on a regional level, and methods used to take the eggs or turtles to cover such needs.
Art.4.3.b b. A Party allowing such an exception shall:
Art.4.3.b.i i) establish a management program that includes limits on levels of intentional taking;
Art.4.3.b.ii ii) include in its Annual Report, referred to in Article XI, information concerning its management program.
Art.4.3.c c. Parties may establish, by mutual agreement, bilateral, subregional or regional management plans.
Art.4.3.d d. The Parties may, by consensus, approve exceptions to the measures set forth in paragraph 2(c)-(i) to account of circumstances warranting special consideration, provided that such exceptions do not undermine the objective of this Convention.
Art.4.4 4. When an emergency situation is identified that undermines efforts to achieve the objective of this Convention and that requires collective action, the Parties shall consider the adoption of appropriate and adequate measures to address the situation. These measures shall be of a temporary nature and shall be based on the best available scientific evidence.
Art.7.1 1. At their first meeting, the Parties shall establish a Consultative Committee of Experts, hereinafter referred to as "the Consultative Committee", which shall be constituted as follows:
Art.7.1.a a. Each Party may appoint one representative to the Consultative Committee, who may be accompanied at each meeting by advisors;
Art.7.1.b b. The Parties shall also appoint, by consensus, three representatives with recognized expertise in matters pertaining to this Convention, from each of the following groups:
Art.7.1.b.i (i) the scientific community;
Art.7.1.b.ii (ii) the private sector; and
Art.7.1.b.iii (iii) nongovernmental organizations.
Art.7.2 2. The functions of the Consultative Committee shall be to:
Art.7.2.a a. Review and analyze the reports referred to in Article XI, and any other information relating to the protection and conservation of populations of sea turtles and their habitats;
Art.7.2.b b. Solicit from any Party additional relevant information relating to the implementation of the measures set forth in this Convention or adopted pursuant thereto;
Art.7.2.c c. Examine reports concerning the environmental, socio-economic and cultural impact on affected communities resulting from the measures set forth in this Convention or adopted pursuant thereto;
Art.7.2.d d. Evaluate the efficiency of the different measures proposed to reduce the capture and incidental mortality of sea turtles, as well as the efficiency of different kinds of TEDs;
Art.7.2.e e. Present a report to the Parties on its work, including, as appropriate, recommendations on the adoption of additional conservation and management measures to promote the objective of this Convention;
Art.7.2.f f. Consider reports of the Scientific Committee;
Art.7.2.g g. Perform such other functions as the Parties may assign.
Art.7.3 3. The Consultative Committee shall meet at least once a year for the first three years after the entry into force of the Convention, and after that in accordance with decisions made by the Parties.
Art.7.4 4. The Parties may establish expert groups to advise the Consultative Committee.
Art.8.1 1. At their first meeting, the Parties shall establish a Scientific Committee which shall be comprised of representatives designated by the Parties and which shall meet, preferably, prior to the meetings of the Consultative Committee.
Art.8.2 2. The functions of the Scientific Committee shall be to:
Art.8.2.a a. Examine and, as appropriate, conduct research on sea turtles covered by this Convention, including research on their biology and population dynamics;
Art.8.2.b b. Evaluate the environmental impact on sea turtles and their habitats of activities such as fishing operations and the exploitation of marine resources, coastal development, dredging, pollution, clogging of estuaries and reef deterioration, among other things, as well as the potential impact of activities undertaken as a result of exceptions to the measures allowed in accordance with this Convention;
Art.8.2.c c. Analyze relevant research conducted by the Parties;
Art.8.2.d d. Formulate recommendations for the protection and conservation of sea turtles and their habitats;
Art.8.2.e e. Make recommendations on scientific and technical matters at the request of any Party regarding specific matters related to this Convention;
Art.8.2.f f. Perform such other scientific functions as the Parties may assign.