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Paragraphs in "Agreement On The Establishment Of The Near East Plant Protection Organization" coded as AMND

Label Provision
Art.10.1 1. The functions of the Governing Council shall be to:
Art.10.1.a (a) review the report and the recommendations submitted to it by the Executive Committee on the work of the Organization since its preceding regular session;
Art.10.1.b (b) determine the policy of the Organization and approve its programme of work and budget;
Art.10.1.c (c) determine the contributions of Member States as provided in Article XVI.3;
Art.10.1.d (d) adopt harmonized standards, guidelines and recommendations regarding plant protection;
Art.10.1.e (e) lay down general principles for the management and development of the Organization;
Art.10.1.f (f) review the report on the work of the Organization and the audited accounts referred to in Article XV.3(a) ;
Art.10.1.g (g) adopt the Financial Regulations and the Administrative Regulations of the Organization, and appoint auditors;
Art.10.1.h (h) elect the members of the Executive Committee referred to in Article XIII.1;
Art.10.1.i (i) appoint the Executive Director of the Organization in accordance with Article XV.1;
Art.10.1.j (j) admit States to membership in accordance with Article XIX.5;
Art.10.1.k (k) adopt amendments to this Agreement in accordance with Article XX;
Art.10.1.l (l) adopt rules governing the arbitration of disputes;
Art.10.1.m (m) approve formal arrangements with other organizations or institutions referred to in Article XVIII and with governments, including any headquarters agreement concluded between the Organization and the State in which the seat of the Organization is situated (hereinafter referred to as "the host State") ;
Art.10.1.n (n) decide on the creation of any subsidiary body which may be necessary or useful for the carrying out of the functions of the Organization and their dissolution when appropriate;
Art.10.1.o (o) adopt Staff Regulations determining the general terms and conditions of employment of the staff; and
Art.10.1.p (p) perform all other functions that have been entrusted to it by this Agreement or that are necessary or useful to carry out the Organization's activities.
Art.10.2 2. The Governing Council may, within the limits determined by it, delegate any matter coming within its functions to the Executive Committee, with the exception, however, of the functions specified in sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.
Art.11.1x Any harmonized standards, guidelines and recommendations adopted by the Governing Council under Article X.1(d) shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting and shall be transmitted to the Member States for their acceptance.
Art.20.1 1. Subject to paragraph 4, the Governing Council may amend this Agreement by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided that such majority is more than one half of the Member States. Amendments shall take effect, with respect to all contracting parties, on the sixtieth day after their adoption by the Governing Council.
Art.20.2 2. Proposals for the amendment of this Agreement may be made either by the Executive Committee or by a Member State in a communication to the Director-General of FAO, who shall promptly notify the proposal to all Member States and to the Executive Director of the Organization.
Art.20.3 3. No proposal for amendment shall be considered by the Governing Council unless it is notified by the Director-General of FAO to the Member States at least sixty days before the opening day of the session at which it is to be considered. The adoption of any amendment shall promptly be notified to the Director-General of FAO.
Art.20.4 4. Annex II to this Agreement may be amended only in the manner provided for therein.