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Paragraphs in "Convention On The Protection Of The Black Sea Against Pollution" coded as DESCR

Label Provision
Pre.1 The Contracting Parties,
Pre.2 Determined to act with a view to achieve progress in the protection of the marine environment of the Black Sea and in the conservation of its living resources,
Pre.3 Conscious of the importance of the economic, social and health values of the marine environment of the Black Sea,
Pre.4 Convinced that the natural resources and amenities of the Black Sea can be preserved primarily through joint efforts of the Black Sea countries,
Pre.5 Taking into account the generally accepted rules and regulations of international law,
Pre.6 Having in mind the principles, customs and rules of general international law regulating the protection and preservation of the marine environment and the conservation of the living resources thereof,
Pre.7 Taking into account the relevant provisions of the Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter of 1972 as amended; the International Convention on Prevention of Pollution from Ships of 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto as amended; the Convention on Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal of 1989 and the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation of 1990,
Pre.8 Recognizing the significance of the principles adopted by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe,
Pre.9 Taking into account their interest in the conservation, exploitation and development of the bio-productive potential of the Black Sea,
Pre.10 Bearing in mind that the Black Sea coast is a major international resort area where Black Sea Countries have made large investments in public health and tourism,
Pre.11 Taking into account the special hydrological and ecological characteristics of the Black Sea and the hypersensitivity of its flora and fauna to changes in the temperature and composition of the sea water,
Pre.12 Noting that pollution of the marine environment of Black Sea also emanates from land-based sources in other countries of Europe, mainly through rivers,
Pre.13 Reaffirming their readiness to cooperate in the preservation of the marine environment of the Black Sea and the protection of its living resources against pollution,
Pre.14 Noting the necessity of scientific, technical and technological cooperation for the attainment of the purposes of the Convention,
Pre.15 Noting that existing international agreements do not cover all aspects of pollution of the marine environment of the Black Sea emanating from third countries,
Pre.16 Realizing the need for close cooperation with competent international organizations based on a concerted regional approach for the protection and enhancement of the Black Sea,
Pre.17 Have agreed as follows:
Art.3 Article III
Art.3.1x The Contracting Parties take part in this Convention on the basis of full equality in rights and duties, respect for national sovereignty and independence, non-interference in their internal affairs, mutual benefit and other relevant principles and norms of international law.